Tower of Doom

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[scene: Sea of Quanta entrance]

Bronya was back in the world where she met Joachim.

Bronya:......the world... has been rectified. Where is Seele?

Bronya looked around. The glowing diary she carried calmed her a little.

Joachim: Welcome back. You look far less anxious than before. I'm a part of this maze... I can already sense it collapsing... You are powerful. I believe I must tell you the truth.

Bronya: What exactly happened in the Sea of Quanta?

Joachim:... Welt Yang fought till his final breath in the Sea of Quanta. He faced an enemy with power far beyond his... He fought valiantly but vainly... Before he fell, Welt used hid final strength to create a barrier separating the Sea from the Real World.

Bronya: A barrier?

Joachim: This barrier imposes a trial on any sentient being trying to pass through. That is right, Bronya. It is the great labyrinth you're in right now. Welt's physical form is gone. His existence in the Sea is this labyrinth itself. Everything you see here... is a part of his past... the confusions and struggles he had... and his yearning for hope.

Bronya: Welt... sacrificed himself to prevent the Serpent from entering the Real World.

Joachim: Come, I shall open the final path for you...

Bronya then made her way through what she just found out to be a barrier separating the Sea of Quanta from the real world. After a while, of followed the path and killing any Quanta, she made it to where the final world is.

Joachim: This is the final world. Pass through it and you'll pass through this labyrinth. I will become your power and lead you to the Core of Reason. The Core will let you enter the Sea itself. But do not hold it for too long... for it will destroy your physical form.

Bronya: The Bronya understands.

Joachim:...promise me, Bronya. No matter what you see or hear, do NOT let the Serpent escape this place.

Bronya: The Bronya understands. The World Serpent is Bronya's enemy. The Bronya shall not let Welt down.

Joachim: Godspeed, Bronya.

Bronya: 'The final world lies ahead. Solve its puzzle and the Bronya will be granted passage into the Sea of Quanta... Seele and the Gem of Desire await the Bronya there...'

Bronya then fell into the final world, as she went down, everything around was surrounded by darkness. As Bronya continued, sounds were echoing in the darkness. The howl of the wind, explosions, screams, and the roar of monsters...

Seele: Bronya! Bronya...

Someone kept screaming for Bronya... but the voice was quickly overwhelmed by the cacophony. It was a symphony of death, an orchestra of destruction reverberating across this charred wasteland...

Seele: Bronya, wake up!

Bronya: Seele? Is this... the tundra? It looks different...

Kiana: Ah, looks like you're doing just fine, Bronya. You just fell... face first... into the snow...


Kiana: Hmph. I'm not being kind to you. But I think the concussion is going to make you an Idiotka!

Mei: Stop fooling around, Kiana. Check your gear. We'll be engaging hostiles soon. We're here to deal the final blow to the Herrscher of the Void. Powered by a Honkai reactor, the Void Queen has created a spatial rift to bring in a Honkai horde...

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