Meet the characters (1)

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Bee: 15 years old,  loves animals, anger issues, fights for fun, bad attitude. Spencer's gf

Looks; brown hair, half head shaved, grey/green eyes, decently tall, piercings, two small tattoos

Robin:15 years old, respects people, loves their friends, loves fashion and animals( horses), decently violent 

Looks; short, slightly wavy hair, grey/blue eyes, medium height

Ryver: 15 years old, funny, loves animals, Fnaf and friends and family

Looks; brown short, styled hair, brown eyes, average height

Kennedy: 15 years old, smart, uses knowledge as power, kind, respectful, very creative, flirty

Looks; tall, black hair(rat tail), dark brown eyes, moustache, goatee 

Aspen: kind, quiet, are okay to stand by the side, respects people, kind to friends and family

Looks; dark brown eyes,  hijab, average height.

Spencer: anger issues, kind to those he loves, loves animals, will do anything to protect people. Bees bf

Looks; short brown hair, light brown eyes, average height, one ear piercing.

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