Robin (46)

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Things are going great. We've been gathering information from Zayn, we have plenty more animals!

Our animal collection is 



Dog 1- Selene

Tiger- Lester the molester


Dog 2-Athena

Zebra- stripes


We have many animals, we have names them all and they all roam free around the zoo. We feed them all, and have done many trips to the pet store we found and other stores in the zoo.

All of the animals were found around the zoo. We haven't travelled other spaces but Bee plans to soon.

I have also enjoyed being a spy, so far nothing new has come up with Spencer and Westley.

Currently bee is working on more research for the cure, she found a laptop, surprisingly usable and has been doing research.

I go into the room where bee is on the laptop, she looks up and smiles at me, if I'm being honest I wish I wasn't dead, I'm just happy I can talk to some of my friends.

"How's it going" I ask

Bee sighs and says "all I've found so far is the labs website, but they don't share a lot to the public, tho there is a private, staff only section, so I wanna hack into that."

I nod, and say "are you any good at hacking?"

Bee smiles and speaks with confidence "I've had a good amount  of practise."

When she says that all of a sudden she's in some sort of coding screen, my mouth goes 8th an O shape as I watch as she types in random numbers and letters really fast and after about half a minute, the screen goes to the staff only page. Bee smiles at her success and begins searching through different files, I sit in the chair next to her.

She goes through the first file named "formula"

Bee looks at me and asks "there's a printer in the hotel basement... can you get aspen to grab it please." I nod and walk over to ryver who was chilling with animals that are eating.

And I ask him to tell aspen, he nods and does as I asked, I walk back to bee who is looking at the formula page, I sit next to her and ask "what does it mean?"

Bee sighs and begins to explain "this is the different viruses they used such as covid-19, they also mixed in some other viruses that only affect animals, including animal born viruses."

Bee then points to a random symbole " and this stands for my blood, RH-null, hence why it's highlighted in yellow."

She then points to to the last part of the formula "and this is all the other bloods and chemicals they added, based off of this they added, tiger blood, bat blood, hydrogen and one other but it's written as unknown."

I nod at this "they really mixed a lot to create this didn't they?"

Bee sighs and nods.

Aspen comes in with the printer and Bee sets it up, she plugs it in.

She then proceeds to print the formula before moving on the the next file named "Bee"

Bee furrows her brows and looks at it with a large amount of interest, I furrow my brows when I see a whole lot of information 

Bee begins to read out loud "Bee, age 16, RH-null blood, key ingredient, rare, cannot loose, mix with hydrogen creates anti bodies, mix with A+ creates poison, mix with B+ creates large ant bodies."

She pauses there, and prints this file, I ask why she printed it and she smiles while saying "this could be the key to the cure, I need to create as many anti bodies as possible for a cure. So if I can find out more about this I can create a cure!"

My mouth drops open.

She can create a cure...

Holy shit.

Bee continues " it may take a few months to a year, but I have a good chance on finishing it quickly..."

I smile and speak in an exited voice "you have to tell the gang!"

Bee smiles and shoots off her chair and walks over to the talking gang "guys!"

The Gand looks at Bee, and she continues "I can create a cure!"

Everyone stares in shock, bee continues "it'll take a few months but I'm sure I can do it!"

They all begin to cheer and I join as well.

After a while of celebrating Bee gore to work on the cure, for now she has to continue going through the files, she asked me to go spy on Spencer and Westley again.

On my way I pass some animals a,l the size of houses... the virus is mutating...

I make it to the lab, I enter and find Spencer and Westley in their office speaking. 

"What the hell happened to Zayn?!" Westley yells

"I'm assuming those idiots figured it out." Spencer answers calmly, he's on the laptop.. I look at what he's looking at, the file on Bee, except on this laptop there's more information... then I get a plan, I run back to the base, I make it to where Bee is and tell her "I know how you can get the rest of the information."

Bee looks at me with wide eyes "how?"

I smile and answer "Spencer has a laptop with more information on you. That should be your key to the cure."

Bee smiles and answers "then I guess we're Paying them a little visit."

****time skip***

It's time, and the gang is preparing to move in. Ryver will be staying with the animals, he's still not 100% used to being blind, so he's keeping an eye on the animals we don't take, Bee is taking Butcher and Selene, aspen will be with thistle, Kennedy with tequila the hyena. 

They all run to the lab, I of course follow.

They make it to the lab and move in with the animals, they all have guns if they need them, bee furrows her eyebrows when she enters the lab "no one's here.."

Bee logs onto the computer, hacking her way through the passcode.

Her eyes widen when it shows an empty screen "they deleted it all...."

Everyone is silent, I see a look of worry flash through kennedys eyes, I see aspen shocked and of course Bee looks angry. 


Bee yells and punches the laptop screen smashing it to pieces and causing her knuckles to bleed.

Bee then speaks with venom " I swear to god they are going to fucking die."

With that bee gets up and everyone heads to the base.

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