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We have all the things for the cure, we managed to catch an infected hyena, we locked it in an enclosure after getting some of its blood, we also took some of Kennedys and locked him in an enclosure till we can cure him.

I have drawn blood from the un infected animals and myself.

I am in the middle of slowly mixing the bloods, the final one to add is mine, in which I do, I add it along with a small amount of hydrogen to activate the cure. 

The dark blood has a weird reaction. It turns white, my eyes furrow, as I take a syringe and fill it with the cure. I look closely at the cure, what if it doesn't work..

I walk over to the enclosure with Kennedy in it, by now he's  awake and looks like a feral animal. 

The gang is watching me as I enter the enclosure, Kennedy looks at me with his blood red eyes, I close the door, and ryver locks it. I can see the worry in his eyes, I take a deep breath but let out a small gasp as I'm tackled to the ground by Kennedy, I inject the cure before he can attack me and throw him off.

I run to the door and stand by it, I gasp again when I see a syringe in my arm. I take it out and see a small amount of remaining liquid. My hand begins shaking, and I feel a sharp pain go up my entire body, I scream "RYVER THE CURE! NOW!"

 I fall to the ground in pain, I begin to see red and feel the need for  violence. Ryver runs over and injects the cure into my arm through the bars. I take deep breaths as I see the red go away along with the pain. The cure worked!

I look over to Kennedy to see him breathing deeply, I slowly walk over to him, I see his eyes are still red...

Kennedy looks up, I stop in my tracks, still a feral look in his eyes, "ryver open the door!" I say as I run out of the enclosure and ryver slams the door shut locking Kennedy in.

"Why did it just work on me.." I whisper to myself.

I look over, a look of sadness and worry spread on there faces..

My breathing is quick, I go back over to the cure and take another syringe, I walk over to the enclosure with the hyena, lucky for me it's laying by the bars, I reach in and inject the cure into the hyena. I wait a few minutes for something to happen, but nothing does...

It only worked for me...

But where did Kennedy get the syringe.. then it hits me..

Spencer wanted me to get Kennedy..

My eyes wide at this realization, I look towards the gang and speak in a confident and determined voice "robin, I need you to do more spying at the lab. Ryver I need you to keep and eye on the animals and Kennedy. Aspen and Zayn we are running low on supplies. I'm going for a run with butcher."

And with that I take off on butchers back

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