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Kennedy; once Bee collapses we all run towards her, I see blood coming from her arm and a large scratch wound on her face, right over the eye.

Everyone is freaking out "we need a first aid kit!" Aspen yells

Since I'm the fastest I run towards the car we drove to this area, I break into the trunk and find two first aid kits, I grab them out of the trunk and run at full speed back to the group.

Once I'm back Aspen takes the first aid kits amd opens them up, Robin is patching up Ryvers back while Aspen is patching up Bees face.

I look around and notice it's sun set..

"We can't stay here at night, especially not with two injured people, one unconscious.

"She's no longer unconscious" I hear Bee groan.

I look over to see her sitting up, and then she speaks again "I saw a cabin, we can stay the night there, it's about five minutes run from here."

"Are you sure it's safe?" Aspen asks

"Pretty sure, no doors were open, and the windows were boarded."

We all nod and begin to walk towards the cabin. Ryver limping with Robin and bee holding onto Aspen.

I walk behind, holding my gun.

I keep a sharp eye on my surroundings, and after about a ten minute walk we reach the boarded up cabin, by now it's pitch black and we can barely see anything.

Bee walks up to the door, and tries to open it but it's locked.

This time Bee begins to kick the door, and soon she kicks it open.

We all enter the cabin, and it is surprisingly warm. Bee walks into what looks like a bathroom, and we all hear water running "I'm taking a shower." Bee says walking out, she goes into another room and yells again "there clothes in here for anyone who needs a change of clothes, for guys and girls!"

I watch as Ryver also heads to that room and walks up the stairs.

While everyone is doing there own thing I find an empty bedroom and decide to head to sleep.

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