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We finally have almost all the parts for the cure.

I'm on Butcher with Ryver and robin, it's mine and ryvers job to get Kennedy.

We brought robin so they can tell us where Kennedy is, and where Spencer and Westley is.

Robin enters first, me and ryver are behind a tree waiting for robin to come back and give us the all clear, a few minutes later they come back and give us the all clear, we and ryver load our guns and run into the lab. Once we're in I run to the room Kennedy is kept in.

I look through the window and see Kennedy is sedated which will make this a whole lot easier. I notice a key pad on the door.

"Shit" I whisper to myself 

"Robin we need the code." I make sure to talk quietly.

Robin nods and runs off in the direction of Spencer's office.

After a few minutes of stressful waiting, robin comes back and tells me the code "try 2457"

I put in those numbers and the keypad flashes green.

I smile and open the door, i we and ryver both grab Kennedy and begin to drag him out of the room, he's not unconscious but he's like a zombie so our best bet is dragging him.

We make it out of the building, I get ryver and Kennedy on butcher, I pause, and then I speak slowly, knowing that ryver and robin won't like this idea " I need you guys to get Kennedy into one of the animal enclosures.. butcher will come back for me.."

"What! Hell no!"

Ryver yells in anger "butcher go." And with that butcher takes off running. 

Ryver won't jump off, I know it. And I know robin will want to make sure ryver and Kennedy will get to the base safe.

I take a deep breath

The reason I stayed behind is because I need a syringe to take a sample of my blood. And a few more for the animals and Kennedy blood.

I run back into the lab, making sure to be quiet, I begin to look around. Last I checked was Westley and Spencer were in their office napping.

I open a few doors, finding random things in each room, after the 5th door I finally find a medical suit, I enter the room and quietly close the door behind me

I look through drawers and cabinets, I find a basket full of syringes and take a hand full, and stuff them in my sweater pocket. I look around for anything else I may need but don't see anything, that is until something catches my eye, I see a file called "virus 2431 (finished)"

I walk to the file and find a formula, omg.. this is how they created the virus..

Covid-19 virus + bat blood + epinephrine + unknown

I continue looking through the file, and I see Spencer's name, along with other people I don't know, and my mothers name. 

I continue to look through the file and I see a cure section, however the only thing written down was my name...

I close the file and make the decision to take it with me.

I exit the medical, and begin to exit the lab, before I can make it to the exit I head the click of a gun and a voice I will never forget "I'll take that file back Bee."

I turn around and throw a glare towards the one and only Spencer.

"Well if it isn't the trader himself." I say with venom.

I tighten my grip on the file. He's pointing the gun at me and behind him Westley doing the same, and I smile at the crutches, oh robin. You did great.

"If you shoot me. You don't get a cure. You need my blood when I'm alive. And I'm the only one who knows the exact formula for the cure." 

I can see the conflict in his eyes, I get bored and decide to whistle, Spencer looks at me weirdly and in comes my favorite lion, he scratches the gun out of both Spencer and Westleys hand, I shoot Westley in the arm and jump on butchers back, butcher runs out of the building and towards our base.

We reach the base and ryver and robin comes running over "why the hell did you do that?!"

I take the syringes out of my pocket and show it to them. They have a big smile now and I speak " let's get this cure started."

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