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It's been two days. Aspen and Zayn think we are insane, turns out it's only me and Ryver who can see Robin. I don't understand it. But I guess we were the two who were affected by her death  the most.

I have so many regrets. Robin keeps telling me it's not my fault but if I'm honest them telling me that makes me feel more insane. I haven't slept. Haven't eaten. I feel like I'm dying. I feel sick all the time. All the freaking time. No one believes me. No one. Except for ryver. But they think he's insane too. 

Zayn said it's just us over exaggerating their death. I've punched him three times and gotten into physical fights with him about 10.

I've lost so much of my temper. I walk out of my room, out of the room I'm staying in. It's a hotel in the zoo. I walkout. It's pitch black outside. I see Robin sitting on a rock. I walk over to them and sit next to them. " hey.." I say.

Robin looks at me and gives me a sad smile.

I return the smile, and look down at the grass. Sometimes I wish I could just disappear.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts when Robin  speaks in a quiet voice "you should sleep.."

I sigh. They're right but how can I sleep when I'm seeing my dead friend?!

My brows furrow. "Hey robin..."

Robin looks at me with furrowed brows. "Can anyone else see you? And what's it like being dead...or a ghost.. or something.."

 Robin sighs "well to be honest.. it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I can hear more, smell more, see more. I feel happy most of the time. And warm. I don't feel pain or anything."

I give robin a sad smile.

At least they aren't in pain..

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