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I feel heavy breathing on my neck, I see large paws next to my hands, grey fur..I take a small peak above me and what I see makes me regret all life choices.

A grey wolf, blood red eyes, and it's pupils are slits..

There is no life Im it's eyes, I watch as it growls, showing off its large teeth, that can tear me to shreds in seconds, some dried blood on its teeth doesn't make this any better.

My breathing is heavy, sweat dripping down my forehead, heart pounding.

All I can think about is that Bee left me and I'm going to die.

Just when I was about to give up hope Nee would return I look in front of my in a tree, I see Bee up there. She's looking at me, her eyes wide, my brows furrow, why the hell is she in a tree?

I get my answer when she whistles "here wolfy!"

The wolf above me growls and jumps towards the tree, I gasp in pain when a feel the wolf scratch my back while jumping over me.

All I here from Bee is "RUN RYVER!!"

With that I use what I learned in baseball and take off running in the opposite direction.

After running for a long while I stop to catch my breath. I then see the friend group. I run over to them "have any of you seen Bee?!"

They all look at me wide eyed "no!" Robin yells in a worried tone

They then ask what happened so I told them. My back is scratched very badly, but we don't have any first aid, I can feel blood trickling down my back.

"We can't stay here.."
I look to see that Kennedy had said that, I then begin to yell "we can't leave Bee like we did Spencer!"

Everyone else nods in agreement.

We all head to the woods and all smile happily when we see Bee walking out, but I stop smiling when I see her limping and covered in blood.

Just before I can make it to her, she collapses.

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