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Everything is spinning, the lights above me are bright, I can't think straight, I'm tied to a chair, I can't see anything. Some sort of cloth must be over my eyes.

I feel sick.

I hear footsteps. I don't have any memories from before I got kidnapped other then I left with Westley to get supplies...

The footsteps are echoing, I must be in an enclosed room. My breathing is heavy and I have a shooting pain in my ankle...

The footsteps get louder, and my breathing gets heavier..

I then hear a voice. "Tell me your name."

I say nothing.

The voice has some cover so I can't tell if it's male or female...

"Tell me your name."

It says again slightly more harsh..
I once again keep quiet..

I hear with a bang

I answer.

"Good. I already know what gang you are from. But what's your leaders name?"

I stay silent again.

"Answer or your friend Westley gets hurt."

I take a deep breath and decide to answer "we don't have a leader but the creator of the groups name is Bee.."

I regret saying her name right after.

There's silence..
"Thankyou for your cooperation, unfortunately I must not release you just yet."

Just yet?...

What the hell is going on

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