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Bee: I drop my phone and look around, everything feels slow motion.

I then whisper "we can't stay here!"

I start to move but stop in my tracks once I hear a loud growl, I don't dare to turn around, I look infront of me at my friends, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. Spencer whispers "don't. Turn. Around."

I feel my breathing pick up, I begin to sweat, I see the rest of my friends staring wide eyed behind me, I stiffen when I hear thumps, like footsteps and hear deep breathing from whatever is behind me, my breathing gets quicker as I hear the steps louder.

I freeze, and hold my breath when I feel something wet on my hand, I move my eyes to the side and see a main... it's a lion...except it's practically the size of me!

I watch as the lion moves infront of me, his green eyes staring at me, his eyes were slits.. that's not normal, it must be the affect of the virus..

The lion goes back to sniffing me, my friends are all still standing there, the lion looks at me again, and I see the edges of his green eyes are a blood red..

All of the sudden the lion growls, I let out a small whimper, and take a step back, I scream to my friends "run!!" They all take off bolting in the opposite direction as me, I take off behind where I was standing and run into the lion enclosure, do to the lions increased size he can't fit into the hole I ran through.

I look to see all my friends in another inclosure, the lion begins to growl and grunt, clawing at the cage, after a few tries he gives up, growls and runs off. I slip out of the inclosure and same with my friends.

I run up to them and they all group hug me.  I then speak, my voice a little shaky

" we need to get out of Toronto!"

They all nod in agreement.. we start to walk to the zoo exit, but something catches my eye, blood..

I slowly walk over, once again the only thing I can hear is my breathing. I turn the corner and what I see makes me stop breathing.

I see a torn up corpse, a women, I see claw marks over her chest, eyes open, skin pale..

I run back to my friends, and I see the gun store "stop!" I yell.

They all stop and look at me with a worried look. "What?" Robin asks

I point to the gun store and they all nod in agreement. I enter the store, my friends behind me.

I see guns all over the wall, knives in the glass displays. I grab a small gun off the wall, along with a belt, I put it on my waist and load the gun, put it in the belt along with 2 amo boxes, I break the glass with another gun from the floor, I grab multiple knives and put them in the belt.

I look to see my friends

Robin has a gun in their hand, one in their belt, with some amo, and a knife.

Spencer has three guns and some amo.

Kennedy has 2 guns and 2 knives

Aspen had 1 gun and 1 knife

Ryver has 4 guns and 1 knife

"Ok...let's go.." I say and walk out of the store with my friends behind me.

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