Unknown (23)

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Unknown; i hi is the hell does she know all of this?!

More importantly how does she know the cure. I don't even know the cure..

I look on the camera to see the gang staring at Bee.

I furrow my brows at the vile she has. I then see Kennedy begin to stir. Meaning he's waking up. And he's not going to be the nicest.

The group looks at him, clearly worried.

I hear Bee speak "try breaking down the door now!!"

They all begin to pound on the door, I see the hinges loosen and immediately call for backup and run to where the room is, but by the time I get there the door is on the floor, and the group is gone minus a stiring Kennedy.

Just then Westley comes running over "what the hell happened?!"

I sigh and speak in an agitated tone "I'll fill you in later. I need that girl!"

"I thought you needed the entire gang?" Westley says confused

I let out another agitated sigh and speak again "she knows the cure!"

His eyes widen and before he can say anything I yell "just go get her!"

He closes his mouth and nods, running out of the lab.

Faking my death took a lot of work. And she just ruined it.

Yes I was her bf. But that was all fake. I needed to camouflage.. and she was to easy to get together with.

My family started this experiment and I finished it..with a few problematic incomes..

Which can be fixed with the cure. And then we need to make a new virus.

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