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Never in my life did I think something like this would happen.
I'm worried, all I can think about are my family and friends. What happens when we get out of Toronto. Will we make it out? We are a long way from the exit of Toronto...

I'm holding bees hand, I have a gun in my other incase more feral animals come out. Walking down the street, bodies cover the street, torn into, scratched, bitten etc.

Cars are smoking, windows are broken, car horns are going off, smoke in the air, dust, you name it.

All you can hear in this silent city are our footsteps, and breathing. No one has spoken a word. All probably in shock. I look over at bee to see her looking at the ground, I see tears in her eyes, I want to help her, but I don't know how.

I'm cut short from my thoughts when I hear a loud scream, I look over to see aspen holding a gun pointing it at a chicken the size of a fucking bus!

Aspen shoots their gun a few times, I watch as the bullets pierce the skin, the chicken makes a loud screaming noise. I see the chickens eyes are almost fully red, and it's eyes are slits, what the hell?!

I load my gun and begin to shoot the chicken, I see bee grabbing her gun too. After us shooting the chicken, it finally falls to the ground, blood falling everywhere.

We are all breathing heavy, I look around and freeze.
Everyone must sense the tension, as they turn around and look at what I'm looking at.

Three lions. All bigger then us, the smallest one's eyes are half blood red, and the two bigger ones have almost fully red.

I look at all my friends and they all look extremely scared.

All I can hear is my breathing..I begin to raise my gun, but before I can shoot I head a loud scream and something brings me to the ground.

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