Zoo break(2)

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Bee: I'm sitting on my bed, head against the head board, feet by foot board, it's a pretty old fashioned bed, but I love it. 

I'm on my phone texting spencer, we've been dating for 2 months. 

Spencer: hey!

Bee: what's up!

Spencer: just checking in. Did you hear that there's supposedly a new disease starting to spread around animals?

Bee: no I didn't. Thanks for letting me know.

I heard a loud knock on my door

I look up and see my mother standing there, she looks tired, and a tad bit angry, but none the less I greet her with respect " good morning mom."

She sighs and speaks " me, your father and brother are all going on a trip out of town. I need you to stay and pet sit."


I know what you're thinking, why am I the one to pet sit? Well to be honest I don't mind, I love my animals.

" how long will you be gone?" I ask

My mother sighs and answers in a tired voice " 4 days."

I nod my head and speak " will I be able to go out with friends?"

My mother thinks for a minute before answering " as long as you're back in time to do chores."

I smile widely and answer "thanks. See you in 4 days!"

I immediately go to the group chat, and I text

" hey y'all! Families out of town, anyone wanna go for a trip to the zoo?"

Within seconds I see my friends begin to type.

Robin; yeah! My mother can drive anyone who's going!

Kennedy: sure

Ryver; I'd love to go. I'll get my mother to drive me.

Aspen: I'll go

Spencer; yeah sure.

Yes! It's settled then.

I begin to start getting ready, it's only 9 in the morning.

I text in the group chat " hey Robin, what time can you pick me up?"

Robin; how's an hour sound?


I reply 

I get a shower, brush my hair, clean my piercings, and I put on some black leggings with my long sleeve leopard print shirt.

I put on my biker boots, and feed all the animals.

I head out the door, and just as I lock up I see robins mothers car.

I run up and hop in, spencer, Kennedy, Aspen and Robin are already in it. Ryvers getting a drive from his mother, so he'll meet us there.

During the drive I sat next to spencer, and have a chat with him, while the others have their own conversation.

We reach the zoo, and all hop out to find Ryver already there " yo dude!" I yell.

We all begin to walk into the zoo, I immediately want to go to the lion enclosure.

On our way we all catch each other up on our day, I tell them my family is gone for 4 days, Ryver family is also going out of town, robins mother is going to work and Spencer's parents are out of town. Aspen stays quiet for the most part, throwing in a few objections or comments here and there.

Once we reach the lion enclosure I run over to it. I begin to notice how quiet the zoo is, I look around and don't see a single person. Now that I think of it, we didn't even see any employees..

I look into the lion enclosure but see no lions. I jump when I hear my phone ring. I pick it up and look to see my friends on their phones too, just listening..

"Attention! This is an emergency announcement from the government. There is a virus going around making animals feral and grow larger than normal. The city of Toronto must be evacuated immediately. You have 3 days. Until the town will be blown up with all the animals inside of it."

In that moment all I can hear is my breathing. All of my friends have the same face...

There has been a zoo break!

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