Bee (15)

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It's been a year..

We've found the rest of the group. Found them after a month of search.

The world has changed. When they deployed the bombs, all it did was send the virus through the rest of the world. Which caused the animals to multiply at a rapid rate. It's not safe anywhere.

The world is darker. There aren't many survivors. We found a guy names westley. He joined out group. The groups of survivors are getting names. The names are, The Hero's, The seven, The underground, and us, The originals.

We are called the originals due to us being the original survivors group.

Each group has been lessening in people, but not us, we survive. In our group, there is no leader, we work with each other.

Our home where we live. We are still in Toronto. We reside in an abandoned building, it used to be a hotel. We have made it home.

I'm not at home base right now. I'm out with ryver. My groups goal is to find the cure. For that we had to stay where the virus started.

I'm currently trying to find supplies. We are running low on food and I need to find more.

I created a rule for my group. To leave in pairs, there are three pairs out right now, me and ryver, robin and aspen and Kennedy and westley. There is one more in our group. The guy who saved me. His name is Zayn, he was the one who brought me to a bunker when I passed out. He saved my life.

Me and ryver are in an abandoned store, he's keeping watch on the door with a gun in hand, while I look through the food and pick out the expired food. Me and ryver are on food, robin and aspen on water, and Kennedy and westley on weapons.

I've managed to fill our supply bags with food, but I see something that makes me furrow my eyebrows

I see some sort of vile, I pick it up and find a red liquid inside.

I make a split decision to put the vial in my pocket. I grab the supplies and me and Ryver Leave.

As we're walking through the city we hear many animals in the distance. We've learned how to survive with these creatures. I'm blind in one eye due to the attack a year ago. So I only have Half vision making it more dangerous for me to be out.

Once we get back to home base I see Zayn there, along with Robin and Aspen. Only people missing are Kennedy and Westley.

"When did they leave?"

"5 hours ago..."

Aspen answers with a worried tone.

I take a deep breath and speak "I'm going out alone to find them.."

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