Salt and Iron

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#Hannigram #Hannibal #WillGraham #relatocorto

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#Hannigram #Hannibal #WillGraham #relatocorto

🔥 Salt and Iron 🔥

- You almost got it.

The moonlight illuminates the figure of two men, limping, wounded. They hold each other as they move away from the stench of uncertainty. The one that has forced one of them to pounce off a cliff, causing the other to follow him for love. Pure and true love.

- Stop it, Will. I can't go on if I don't know where you are.

Will stops, his hand still on Hannibal's waist.

- I'm here with you.

- We've been through this before. No more lies.

Will sits in the sand and Hannibal does it by his side knowing that it is now or never that the decisions made are reduced to this moment. He turns looking at Will, his blue eyes almost black, just like the blood that runs through his face.

- Look at me. Tell me where you are because otherwise I will not be able to accompany you.

Will takes a handful of sand that seeps between his fingers, just like he feels with Hannibal. The little will that he had shattered when he survived, because in his heart he has already chosen.

- I'm ... here, Hannibal. With you.

Hannibal breathes deeply, he wants to be patient. The decision that is so firm in him, in Will falters. Maybe it doesn't even exist.

- Do you want to go?

Will hugs his knees. For the first time your mind and heart under the same feeling.

- Where would I go, if you are not? We are united, and we already know what happens when we are separated.

- Then really stay. Stay with me, I don't want to be alone, Will. If you go into your mind, I may not be able to bring you back.

Words that stick like daggers, that make Will bleed more than the physical wounds on his body. He smiles even though his smile is sad.

- I always come back to you, don't you see? Always, Hannibal. You can't be so blind.

Hannibal picks up with a finger the tears that fall down Will's face, without him realizing that they do. Something too intimate goes outside, surrounding them, claiming them at last.

- I love you.

Will doesn't remember the last time he said it. Your heart burns, your mind does it accordingly.

- Say it again.

- I love you, Hannibal. I love you for too long, I wanted you as a coward and I love you now, wanting me free with you.

Salt and iron, tears and blood in the first kiss between the two. Physical pain does not exist, the moments where the cup broke disappear and only the two men remain, their souls naked, their hearts being one.

- Hannibal...

Will breathes choppy, knocking Hannibal down on the beach that witnesses his rebirth. Hannibal cannot be happier, his arms on his partner, while Will abandons the conscious part of him and instinct is who takes the floor.

- I want ... I need...

Hannibal smiles on Will's lips, if he's dreaming he doesn't want to wake up.

- Will .. near here...

If Will has doubts, Hannibal will drive them away. If Will tries to run away, Hannibal will hug him as tightly as he can. What has come out of the chrysalis is too pure, fragile, but Hannibal is willing to take the risk. He has waited too long not to try.

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