Shared Hunt

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#Hannigram #WillGraham #hanniballecter #shortstory

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#Hannigram #WillGraham #hanniballecter #shortstory

🔥 Shared Hunt 🔥

In Chaos the two men had found a place to call their own. In the unacceptable, all that the world screamed was nonsense.
Blood that does not belong to them pools in the water that falls over them, the older one kneeling, praying without praying to a God who is more mortal than any other. His arms encircle the thighs of the younger one who, eyes closed, reminisces about the shared hunt.

- My adored Will.

Hannibal knows that water will wash away the blood but not everything else. He knows that guilt has no place because, if it did, it would consume them both. He could not allow it.

- You are my pride," he says, kneeling and looking up at the sky. Poetry before my eyes.

What came out of the chrysalis sometimes frightened him, or more than frightened, surprised him. He had brought Will to the highest point, dropped, and lifted again. The result, the one he had always dreamed of.
And Will, in whose lake he can no longer be at peace, now lives in a hell that he doesn't feel like one. What he had become belonged to him, yes, but how much of it belonged to Hannibal?

- Come," he says, lifting him by the shoulders, "I'll take everything else from you.

Hannibal turns around and warmth washes over him. He feels sweet, he feels like he must have felt when he was a child, he feels hungry for a love that is also a daily discovery for him. Will's hand on his back and his own back, touching the profiler because there is not a single day when he can stay away from it.
The desire, usually fleeting, was still intact between the two of them.

- I'm hungry for you," Hannibal hears in his ear, Will's hand on his cock as he bites down. I'm so hungry that either you let me eat you or I can't take it.

- I couldn't forgive myself," Hannibal replies, a smile on his face.

- No, don't turn around. I'm hungry for something else today.

He leans Hannibal over the tub and Hannibal grips the edges. He wonders if it's better to have Will's tongue in his hole licking every crease or to know he's subjected to his will, as he's never done with anyone before, as he knows will never happen again.

- Mylimasis...

Because in the shared hunt and the chaos caused the two men were one. Because in Hannibal's grip and white fingers from holding on so tight, lost in pleasure, they had discovered that other half that you rarely find when you weren't even looking for it.

- You're mine, Hannibal. Because I've changed you too, and because in me is not only your creation, but the one we've both raised from nothing.

Hannibal moans and turns his head to watch Will enter him, unceremoniously, because sex too was part of that incongruity called chaos but which was home for both of them.

- Fuck me.

- What language, Dr. Lecter - Will runs his hand down Hannibal's scarred back, clean already, savouring the moment that is about to come -. Give me your hands. I won't let you fall, Hannibal.

And Hannibal, whose submission he considers insufficient payment for the love he feels for Will, gives them to him. And in the sway of the young man's movements and his cock slapping against his prostate with each thrust as he holds him by the wrists, Hannibal knows as much as his heart allows him to know. Does every human feeling have a beginning and an end?

- Mark me Will - his knees start to ache, he doesn't care.

- But...if you're already...marked - Will's right hand drops one of his hands and rests on the scar on the farm, he hates it.

He quickens the pace and Hannibal stifles a scream inside him that comes out as he himself ejaculates over the water, tinged with red. Remember, he tells himself, remember who you are when you're by his side and who he is despite everything else.

- Will... - his knees, defeated, lean against the tub.

- I'm still hungry. I want you - she sits down in front of him -. I'm still your canvas, Hannibal, burn your name into it.

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