Dreams and freedom

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Dreams and freedom 🔥

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Dreams and freedom 🔥

Will's dreams had long had Hannibal's name written all over them. Sometimes he remembered them and sometimes he sensed what was happening in them. His body betrayed him in his sleep, his heart didn't quite know which way he was going.
Those eternal erections, his clothes damp with sweat and what was not sweat. The psychiatrist's words in his ears and that tremendous desire to see even his darkest desires fulfilled was something he couldn't get out of his head.

- How are your nights, Will? Are you still lost in your sleep?

In a way he was. Though in them, Will was free too. He could love Hannibal without ifs and buts and receive the same treatment without fear of rejection.

- No, I mean, I don't wake up in the middle of nowhere anymore not knowing how I got there. My dreams are different now.

Hannibal raises an eyebrow. Hannibal smiles wryly. Hannibal knows.

- Tell me what happens in your dreams, Will.

Will shifts in his chair, uncomfortable. His blue eyes on the psychiatrist's suit, roaming all over it but not looking at him. He can hear his heart beating fast in his ear, nerves betraying him.

- They are private, Hannibal.

Honey on Will's lips that Hannibal gathers with his tongue in his mind when he hears his name. Stalks, waits, lures and then hunts. For even Hannibal's dreams had Will's name written all too long ago and his mind palace was flooded with memories and illusions.

- I'm your psychiatrist, do you trust me?

Will wanted to trust. Could he?

- After this I'm going to have to change psychiatrist.... - Will sighs, his gaze on Hannibal's hands in his lap. I dream about you, always.

- Do you remember them?

- Vividly. As if they really happened.

Hannibal stands up and Will averts his gaze to the psychiatrist's feet, which are confidently approaching him. He trembles.

- I want you to show me some of them," he says.

And Will looks up shyly only to meet Hannibal's gaze halfway, devouring him. And Will reaches out to be dragged to the nearest wall, Hannibal's body so close to his he can smell him. Freshly brewed coffee, books, the aftertaste of good wine.

- Nothing will change for the worse between us, boy. Show me because if you don't, I'll show you what's going on in mine, and I assure you that for your first time, we'd better be guided this time by you.

Will closes his eyes and lets his hands do the talking. Hannibal's cheekbones marked under his fingertips and his cock hardening. His eyebrows, his lips coyly curling.

- You're killing me, darling," Hannibal says, his voice not quite his own.

- I'm... I'm sorry. I've never...

- Remember your dreams.

Hannibal turns to instinct as a means of survival. He takes Will's hand and kisses it, running his tongue over the fingers of the profiler he has so often imagined inside him.

- Ahhhh, Hannibal... - and kisses him. And Hannibal ends up against the wall, becoming prey because he's allowing Will to be prey, Will being the hunter because that's what he needs to be right now in order to fly.

Hannibal's hands unbutton the profiler's shirt, they're so hungry for him it hurts. Will gasps when Hannibal kisses his neck and bites down. He nods as he goes down and kneels before him, asking permission with the amber in his eyes and at the same time claiming what he feels belongs to him.
Trousers and underwear fall after. And Hannibal, who has never really loved in his life, wonders if this time there might be a chance.

- You have a wonderful cock - the compliment flatters Will -. I want to eat you up, lick you, and make those dreams you have that you haven't told me about come true.

Will's hands on Hannibal's head, pushing him down, is all they need.

- I hope you come to me after this instead of retreating into your dreams, Will.

Hannibal's lips wrapping around his cock restores Will's faith in a society he believes to be dehumanised. The movement of his hips against Hannibal's mouth awakens the wild side that was only free in dreams. The orgasm that comes at once from the accumulated arousal reminds him that there may be no Heaven to go to, but that it is humanly possible to caress it for a few seconds before returning to the present.

- Lean back in the chair, lean back in it and spread your legs," Hannibal asks her without giving her any respite. You need to go beyond your dreams.

And Will nods because he needs to. He nods because he's tired of living in dreams that repeat themselves, constantly. He nods because he doesn't know it yet, but beyond desire, his heart has already chosen.

- Don't hurt me - he asks.

- Never, mylimasis, how could I hurt my own heart?

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