Don't we deserve to try?

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#hanniballecter #WillGraham #shortstory #Hannigram

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#hanniballecter #WillGraham #shortstory #Hannigram

"My tongue on your skin, your hands telling me everything you've kept silent. Take comfort in me, let's make the world stay within four walls for just a few days. Give me the music of your moans, the wild smell of your insides."

🔥 Don't we deserve to try? 🔥

Whoever says that fire doesn't nest inside a human being probably hasn't really loved.
Hannibal knew it well, between his fingers the flame of that passion that is also desire about to spread in the young man to whom he had given his heart.

Love me.
Stay with me no matter what.
We are bound together, you said it Will. Where would I go without you?

Because whether he deserved it or not was indifferent to him. Every note had Will's name on it, every word was his. Wasn't that reason enough?
So many shared moments and in all of them the dream of having him with him had made Hannibal weak. The last time he loved everything was taken from him, and the disguise of personhood he had carried ever since was both defence and prison of a humanity he had forced to sleep.

- Hannibal?

- I'm here, next to you.

- I see nothing.

I know, beloved. Your eyes are mine now, I'm going to give you the vision you long for when you think no one sees you.

- Give me time, Will. Just a few minutes.

- Will you stay?

- Always," he says as he moves the fire closer to Will.

The rapidity with which the flames rise is but a reflection of the profiler's own acceptance.
Hannibal's amber eyes are reddish now, consumed by the same reality that engulfs Will because nothing else exists but the two of them, nothing else is more important.

- Does it hurt? - he asks. You're saying goodbye to so much.

Will hugs him and rests his face on his shoulder. Hannibal caresses the back of his neck, filling it with the fire that was no longer his alone. He wants to cry but doesn't quite know how.

- A goodbye is also a welcome - Will's words in his ear, tucked safely in his heart.

- Do you know what will become of us?

- Does it matter? - Will pulls away from the embrace, smiling. I see you, Hannibal. And I see myself through you at last.

Anyone who says fire only destroys has failed to see that there are endless possibilities behind it. Hannibal discovered it with Mischa, Will would from this moment on.

- I'm afraid. That you'll regret it, that you'll leave. I don't want the loneliness, Will, I don't want another departure. One was more than enough for me.

Will's hands on either side of his face bind him to the present, his lips on hers give him hope for a future that awaits them both.

- I said it once and I say it again now. We're united. Don't we deserve to try?

A nod.
A promise born in the destruction of many things and the birth of many others.
Yes. They deserved to try.

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