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#Hannigram #WillGraham #Hannibal

🔥 Salvation 🔥

Hannibal had found in Will's arms his own salvation, or so he believed. In them a kind of shared freedom cried out the name of his beloved companion.
Was there a past, before Will? When he feels it inside him, his hard cock pounding him, he doesn't even remember it. All those blurry moments are in his mind, in that Mental Palace he built when he was but a boy, and yet in those instants they faded like dust.

In Hannibal's arms, Will had picked up the pieces of his life and put them back together again. Why call life, what were once nothing more than meaningless days? In Hannibal he had found himself, through Hannibal he had accepted himself. In him he saw part of her soul and through him he continued to discover bits and pieces that still eluded him.
Was there a past before Hannibal? It all blurs when it comes to the two of them as the psychiatrist's strong hands clutch at him, mounting him, head turned towards a heaven he doesn't believe in.

- Faster - Will gasps, his hands on Hannibal's hips.

Loud words and whispers in an ear ready to listen. A boat drifting, rudderless, and Hannibal smiling on the shore knowing that sooner or later he'd end up docking in the sand he'd created for Will. He fell so madly in love with him that there was no room in his heart for anything else, and all his dreams and longings bore Will Graham's name.

- I love you, he says, riding him faster.

- I know.

Will always knew it. Even in those moments when his mind wasn't his own - it was Hannibal's - he knew. He sensed it at every breakfast, in every one of the sessions whose words were very consciously selected by the psychiatrist. Will had begun to love Hannibal the day he began to love himself. Had he become who he really was, or had he become something Hannibal craved above all else? Will didn't care.

- I'm coming, Will says, kissing the older man's chest.

Hannibal hugs him, as he has done so many times since the young man has been his.

- I want it all, beloved. All of it.

I wanted it all. The good morning smiles, the coffees in the mornings and Will regretting yet another day he was late. Hannibal wanted the goodnight kisses, the rough sex against any surface that came their way, the caresses and laughter as they lay sweaty next to each other. In Will Hannibal had found a happiness he never thought he needed, for Will he was willing to do anything to keep it.

- I'm yours, Will says, holding on as long as he can.

He was when he looked at him without Hannibal noticing, admiring every facet of the psychiatrist. He was when he visited him in the mental hospital, where he was because of him. He was more and more so, and Will was sinking happily into the possession that Hannibal was showing off by calling it love.

- Always, Hannibal replied, his hands on Will's shoulders and his movements much stronger.

The day Hannibal met Will Graham he knew he had lost himself and found himself at the same time. That he had lost that loneliness that accompanied him without being aware of it and that he had fully gained it. The day Hannibal met Will Graham he knew he would wait for him for as long as it took.

- Shit...

Will's release came the day he began to question his feelings. He took away a present in which he was accompanied and gained a future in which he could be himself. And he returned to Hannibal, his hands empty and his heart full. A ring on his finger that he cared nothing for, but which he wore out of pride towards a Hannibal who was licking his lips for knowing it was his during the whole separation. After the meeting, a whole journey together. After taking the first step, a sense of peace.

- Fill me with you - Hannibal, still now, feeling his beloved's semen inside him, happy, marked once more by him.

Hannibal wanted it all. Even those irascible moments of the profiler, even the obscene words that came from those lips he had kissed so many times. Hannibal wanted Will's dreams because they were his dreams too. He wanted the chaos of living with him, the unfinished movies when desire ruled them both. The days of fishing and the nights at the opera. Hannibal had fallen so madly in love with Will that he wondered if he'd ever had a life before him. Something worth remembering.

- You're mine - Will holds him tight without leaving him, kissing every pore of Hannibal's skin.

Two years and the same stars under a sky that watched over them both. Hannibal's voice in Will's head and all the moments together stored in a heart that constantly relived them.
Achilles and Patroclus. A shared destiny and Will accepting that they were bound together despite everything else.

- I am, mylimasis. From the moment I saw you, for the first time, until I stopped when the time came.

Hannibal had found in Will's arms his own salvation. Will had discovered and accepted himself, discovering and accepting Hannibal at the same time.

The past faded away. The present was his completely. The future... who knows, the future is uncertain for everyone.

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