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#Hannigram #Hannibal #WillGraham

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#Hannigram #Hannibal #WillGraham

🔥 Fire 🔥

It was a constant. Fire. Surrounding the two men every time their moans rose to the sky screaming to the world that they belonged. As if that world was going to separate them, as if anyone was capable of doing so.

Orange and red flames between two sweat-soaked bodies feeding on each other. Because when Hannibal and Will fucked, something between them fit together like a puzzle. They were made for each other. Where Will was pure passion, Hannibal was determination. They could never get enough. One look was enough to set them on fire. A few words and the space between them disappeared as quickly as their clothes.

It was a constant. The fire. Surrounding the two men while legs and arms got confused because they both wanted to feel everything at the same time. They devoured each other knowing that they would do it again as many times as they wanted, because they were both eternal. Hannibal was touching Will like a work of art and Will was tearing at the psychiatrist's body because he needed it like breathing. That's how far they had come.

And again the reddish and orange flames around them, protecting them. And again the room is filled with gasps and screams that have no meaning with a tone of voice that begs the other man not to stop, to please continue. Faster, fuck me hard. I need to feel your mouth, your lips, lick me and eat me because it hurts. Have mercy on me.

Ever constant, the fire. When was the exact moment when it all started? Maybe it was Hannibal and his curiosity for the profiler, maybe it was Will letting himself be carried away by what he felt. Was there a before the two of them? Will there be a tomorrow?

Because those burning flames are promises that neither of them say out loud. They don't need to. They are those words that are born in the heart and decide that they will live there until the time is right. And it is that when Will and Hannibal fuck something between the two is created inviting the two men to continue. I want you. Look how I am just looking at you. Use your fingers now, go in and fuck him hard. And the two, selfish and generous, sought each other's pleasure as their own reached for them. How many times had they cum?

They burned. They were consumed, collapsing as they smiled in the knowledge that they would come again in a few minutes. Hannibal's mouth on Will's body and his lips wrapped around his cock as the profiler grabbed his hair and pulled him down, filling him with it. Cum in my mouth, Will, mark me and let me collect what's mine. Will's cock over Hannibal's, together, as he rubbed against the psychiatrist and felt the wetness gushing out between them, making the movement accompanied by the sound of the liquid mingling. Will it get any better than this?

- More. It burns, Hannibal.

And Hannibal smiled because he knew when they started, but never when it would be the last. Again the fire, the flames of different sizes, the momentum, the passion and desire forgetting that maybe they were needed elsewhere. They were slaves to the two men.

- You are exquisite, mylimasis.

- You are. I burn for you. This is new to me.

Because when Hannibal and Will fucked something between the two of them screamed at them not to let it slip away, whatever it was that they had created out of nothing and had no name. To live in the present because it was a certainty, to squeeze and savour it every day. The two of them were sticking to it to the letter.

And the flames remained intense because each time was different. They were insatiable, they lost their senses and found them in each other's bodies, even if it seemed nothing more than poetry. Maybe that's what it was, inspiration. Magic. The essence of the world brought back to life between their knotted bodies, where you didn't quite know which part was Will's and which part was Hannibal's.

- I want you. I want you.

- Don't say anything, we're here. Make me yours, Will, because right now I don't need anything else.

They say that fire destroys, razing everything around it. But what no one says is that it also protects, that it envelops fiercely and, in a way, loves.
Because when Will and Hannibal were making love, you couldn't quite tell if it was the other way around, and they were giving shape to that which they didn't name out loud, but which enveloped them in flames....s nameless.

🔥 The short film bears your name, beautiful woman. With what belongs to you.

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