Prison and jail

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#Hannigram #WillGraham #hanniballecter #Hannibal #shortstory

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#Hannigram #WillGraham #hanniballecter #Hannibal #shortstory

"Whoever has not had faith that the melody heard by the person he loves is the same as the one that resonates in his heart, has not really loved."

🔥 Jail and freedom 🔥

The music was playing all around and for the first time the two men were dancing to the same tune, in tune. If you saw them from afar you couldn't tell who was who, that's how rhythmic they were.

Blood, among many other things, unites them. Is the latter love? They will find out as time snatches away the happiness that escapes between their fingers. Time has always been the enemy of mankind.

- Do you hear it, Will?

- Yes. I understand it all now.

Because days ago Hannibal listened to a rhythm very different from Will's. He had fought so hard for it to be the same that perhaps he had lost his way a little along the way. It was well worth it. He loved the profiler and in love one must be willing to do anything.

- I've waited so long for this moment...

And it's true. Years of whispers, of words created in his heart. The chrysalis in which Will protected himself from the world had been prison and freedom at the same time.

- Look at you. Look at who you have become.

Young Will, drenched in blood, embraces the man knowing he is the architect of it all. Somewhere in that room lifeless eyes etched with the face of the one who has extinguished their flame.

- You pulled the strings, Hannibal.

- Not entirely, my dear. Not entirely. I only helped you a little. I thought you needed it," he adds, knowing what Will is thinking.

For in that music that envelops and binds them, Will had discovered that in Hannibal were not only the oars, but also the anchor of the ship that had kept him adrift. Hannibal was all that and also the harbour in which he had finally docked.

- Look what I've done...

- Yes. I'm proud, mylimasis.

Will rests his neck on Hannibal's shoulder and Hannibal strokes his hair. Was it hard for him, too, the first time? No. He doesn't even remember feeling anything but joy.

- I don't know what I'm going to do from now on.

Hannibal pulls him slightly away from his body, wanting Will to look at him. His blue eyes show doubt but also determination.

- Love me...

And Will, who until then hadn't smiled, does. And the melody that accompanies his soft steps is filled with the warmth Hannibal had been waiting for. The irrepressible desire to kiss him and the weakness of his heart do the rest.

- I already do that. I'm sorry it took me so long to make it real.

The world is different before one who is in love. Essentially it doesn't change, but subjectively it becomes a better place. Hannibal had Will, he had him, and he had him completely.
She was no more than dust...

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