Hands that grasp strong

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#Hannigram #WillGraham #Hannibal #Short Story

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#Hannigram #WillGraham #Hannibal #Short Story

"There is nothing more valuable than he who sees in you and believes in a you."

🔥 Hands that grasp strong 🔥

Whoever did not know of the existence of the love they professed for each other would see nothing but two men slowly disappearing in each other's arms.
Anyone who did not see beyond what their eyes showed would even feel a certain pity.

They, on the other hand, know exactly what is happening. They were so close and yet so far apart, two sides of a coin that bore their name and that they both kept and protected because that is what love is all about, being and also being through the beloved.

The younger one is impulsive, sometimes lost inside his own mind. Words flow from his lips straight from the heart. Sometimes he hurts, and always loves too much.

The older one is calm in spite of the storm. He watches, breathes, and waits. He wisely controls his emotions and never forgets who he is.

Between the two of them, hands that hold tight. That hold in spite of many things. Desire, passion, will for mutual understanding. And all those shared dreams that neither says out loud lest they break from giving them form.

- I love you - Will kisses him, and Hannibal knows that what he says is true.

Because the two of them together are fire, and in being fire, they create poetry in the form of a bonfire. Because in the peace that is one and the chaos that is the other, they achieve a middle ground that only the desire to continue loving can create.

- Are you here, with me?

- Of course, Hannibal. Why?

Hannibal embraces him and feels Will slowly begin to join him. It's always like this, when they're together.

- I don't like it when you pull away, Will. It hurts.

- Make love to me, fuck me so hard that you give me no choice but to be with you.

Hannibal smiles, marking his teeth on his shoulder. Because maybe in the eyes of a world that knows nothing about them it was meaningless for them to love each other. So much darkness all around, so many stones.

- Where's the love, mylimasis?

Will breaks away. His blue eyes plead.

- In your legs clutching mine. On my lips around your cock as you hold me by the hair. And here, Hannibal," he says, hand on his chest. Love always lives here.

Hannibal kisses him again and Will, who sometimes gets a little lost, remembers why he fell in love with him. Hannibal was a better person than he would ever be.

- Darling...

- Stay by my side. You've always been the wind that carries me to safe harbour. Home, Hannibal. And it's been so long since I've had one that I seem to do nothing but push it away.

Hannibal feels like crying. He didn't remember his either. He had hidden it at the back of his Mental Palace because it didn't hurt there, it didn't exist.

- I want to fill you with me. I want you to feel that you're not alone, that I'm with you even if it's not the best thing to do.

Will pulls away a little. Was he that bad at this?

- Cover me and see what you get out of your very existence. No, it's me that's nothing but chaos in your life.

In the sway of Hannibal's thrusts as Will clutches at the pillow, a world that knows nothing of them only watches two men senselessly disappear.

In Hannibal's hands on Will's hips as his movements deepen and Will moans in pleasure, a world that knows nothing of their history only watches as two men forget who they are to be nothing.

And in the fullness of feeling Hannibal inside him, in his ejaculation marking the bed and in the heaving breaths as they embrace in exhaustion, Will knows. He feels, he loves, he fights. And Hannibal, who watches him silently receiving him completely, remembers. He allows himself to keep dreaming of that world that in the eyes of the rest does not exist, disappearing as they are, being one because love can be many things. And, through the beloved, we can perfectly find ourselves.

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