The name of the wind

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The name of the wind 🔥

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The name of the wind 🔥

The wind between the two men. Hannibal smiles as Will's curls move in rhythm, whimsical. He closes his eyes for just a second, enjoying a moment that might as well be eternal.
The wind ruffling his skin, reminding him that he is alive. They say that if you know its name, you become its owner. Who would want to know the name of the Wind?

- Why have we never come here before, Will?

Will's blue eyes look beyond the sea itself. Where is something Hannibal would want to know, but he doesn't ask. They're together and that's all that matters. He closes his eyes again but this time he does so by resting his hand on Will's, who is on the sand. He is no longer alone. At last.

- The memories, Hannibal. You know.

The cliff, that night, and the leap of faith that had been more of a suicidal act than anything else. Hannibal accepting Will's deadly embrace because he'd accept anything Will wanted to give him. Not a day goes by that I don't remember the fall, the embrace between the two of them and, again, the wind hitting them, furious, before hitting the water and disappearing.

- We survived, beloved.

What a word. Beloved, so full of nuances. Hannibal had loved Will for a long time, but it had been in the last few months that he had learned to really love him. What was once an idea had taken shape, and with it a new way of loving the profiler. Living together was good for them.

- I'll have to live with what I did.

- Yeah, and you'll get through it. We're in this together, mylimasis.

Again Hannibal's hand on Will's head, caressing his curls that continue to move to the beat of an unceasing wind.

- We are what we do, Will, and to a lesser extent we are what we say. You did what you thought was right.

- I almost killed you.

It doesn't escape Hannibal's notice that he has excluded himself, as if his life doesn't matter.

- Fear is as valid an emotion as any. You couldn't control it, and I don't blame you. It has brought us here, to this moment. It's not all darkness that seems to be darkness, Will.

Will comes back from wherever he's been these past few minutes and looks at him with those blue eyes he'll never tire of. He smiles, but only half-smiles.

- Fear has been a part of me since I was a kid. I know it, I know how to handle it. That noch

- You're not weak," Hannibal says, answering the question he knows echoes in Will's mind. You are the strongest man I know. You made a choice, and every choice comes with consequences.

- If it hadn't been for you....

- No. You fought too.

- I was just holding on to you for something to float on, Hannibal. You've always been my oars.

Hannibal reaches out with his right arm and wraps it around the younger man's shoulders, who leans back and rests his head on it. Maybe, he thinks, I'd rather have the name of time than the name of the wind. And stop it right now.

- Isn't that wonderful?

- You speak hopefully. You, Hannibal Lecter, I'd even say you have dreams.

Hannibal laughs openly and Will tells himself that maybe jumping was the best thing he could have done. Several months had passed and they had something Will could call home without feeling left out. They did everything together, they hadn't been apart for a minute since.

- You're the reason, it's not something you don't know. You've chosen to stay and that fills me with joy.

- You said the right words. Just like the touches, intimate. Am I who I am through you? Through you?

Hannibal runs his fingers down Will's neck, and Will shudders. They haven't had sex yet, and Hannibal can't wait for it.

- No. I was just the tool - quiet, thinking. Like this wind, which drives the swell to break here on the beach. But the surf is. You are too, Will, you were since we met. You were just asleep.

Will lifts his head and looks at Hannibal's lips, asking. Each kiss is different, in each one the two of them expressing something different. Hannibal runs his thumb across Will's lower lip and bites his own, just a little. Will shudders with pleasure at the sight.

- Hannibal....

- Do you think the wind will whisper our names if I undress you, Will Graham, and make love to you right now?

- I don't know. Maybe we'll be the ones to steal his.

Will too is full of dreams, as he is. Of hope, of love, of longing and of fear.
Hannibal kisses him and slowly lays on top of him in the sand. Whatever has to happen, they will face it together.

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