Impulse, instinct, desire

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#Hannigram #Hannibal #WillGraham #shortstory

🔥 Impulse, instinct, desire 🔥

- We are no more guilty of following the primitive impulses that govern us than the Nile for its floods or the sea for its waves.

Hannibal, quoting the Marquis de Sade, holds Will against the wall as he closes his eyes. He has waited too long.

- Aren't we animals, Will, don't we have desires?

His desire has been the profiler for months. His body behind those awful shirts, his cock in the trousers that always marked his delicious ass. Was it instinct, motivation, drive or desire? Or maybe something else?

- Can we... - Will's voice trembles - control them?

- We can but do we want to?

His right hand holds him tight, his left hand moves down to his buttocks and squeezes them.

- You've played with fire, darling. And he who plays with fire always gets burned.

The last few weeks Will had been tempting Hannibal, knowing full well what he was doing. New haircut, trimmed beard, he'd even started wearing perfume. Will circled Hannibal as he smiled sitting in his armchair, prey that he knew in reality was the hunter.
A little brush one day, a rapprochement on the stairs another. They had built something made of burning flames and Hannibal wanted to know if it was much more than that.

- it.

- Do what? Use the words.

Will moans and Hannibal whispers in his ear that he wants him. With his legs he spreads Will's, leaving him at his mercy.

- You tempted me. You heated me to an unspeakable degree, and that's what brought us here.

- Urge," Will says.

- And desire too. We are hedonists, humans, we seek pleasure - Hannibal pushes Will a little further -. Now you're going to please me like a good boy.

Will gasps, feeling his breath against the wall. He's so hard it hurts.

- I'll be a good boy for you.

- I've never doubted it.

Will's tensed hips are more than Hannibal can bear. Not at all subtle backward movements as if he's riding his cock, which hardens harder, and stains the trousers of his expensive suit.

- You're a devil, Will," he bites his neck. You show up unannounced and then pretend this doesn't happen.

- Fuck me hard. Come in and mark me.

Hannibal's hands are adept at pulling down trousers and underwear. They're just as adept at pulling down his, kneeling and spreading his buttocks apart from the profiler. He buries his face in Will's ass and licks his hole because right now the world he knows doesn't matter to him. There is only this, the two of them, and Will's moans as he braces himself against the wall to keep from falling.

- Exquisite," he says.

When Will repeats to go faster, to fuck him, that he wants more, and that he won't stop moving, Hannibal has him by the hips and the profiler is fully tilted. Stains of pre-cum on the floor and Hannibal wanting to lick it off as soon as he's done.

- Don't move - he holds Will against his chest, on his back, and kisses his neck -. We're not finished.

- Instinct - says the younger one.

- And also desire," Hannibal replies again. And also something else.

- Is there more than this? - Will doesn't know.

- Mylimasis, have you never been in love?

Hannibal smiles at Will's back and Will smiles back, feeling that smile. Show Will, flow with Will, and let it be what it has to be.

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