26. Double Humiliation

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She walked out all showered and cleaned. Due to the fact that it was a Saturday, she didn't have any classes, but she had already made a promise to Tanya that she would go support her at her volleyball game, which was scheduled for later in the day, leaving her with some time to spare.

She tied her hair up in a high ponytail and put on a cropped sweatshirt and paired it with high-waist jeans. Chantal finished putting on her lip gloss and mascara and was about to leave her room when she groaned to recall her broken phone.

She opened the drawer and pulled out the lavender-colored iPhone and rolled her eyes. She inserted the SIM card and switched it on before walking out of her room.

"Morning Eve"

"Morning little birdie, you look fresh. Where are you going?"

"I was thinking of hitting the mall before heading to school."

"Oh, okay bye"

"What about you?"

"Today is my day off, so I plan to sleep all day."

Chantal let out a chuckle shaking her face.

"Great then, I'll see you later."

"Sure, wait what about breakfast?"

"I'll eat something outside."

With that, she walked out of the house while booking a cab.


Kevin got down from his bed paying no heed to the naked woman who was sleeping next to him. He frowned and checked his phone while the woman put back on her clothes.

"Why are you so addicted to your phone?"

Her tone was casual as she rolled her eyes at him.

He didn't answer her and continued checking whether Chantal had left any messages or missed calls. After putting on her dress, she cast a quick glance at the display of his phone.

"Who is sweetheart?"

He sighed and licked his lips.

"She is special."

"And yet you spent the night with me and not with her, why?"

Kevin's lips quirked up to hear her question.

"She is different," he paused thinking about her, "and very difficult. She is not a one-time woman like you."

"Or maybe she is just not interested in you."

The woman smirked as he glared at her.

"Sorry, anyway why do I care, the night was fun."

She said, kissed his cheek, and exited his room.


In front of one of the city's largest malls, the cab stopped. Chantal paid and stepped out before crossing the street to enter. She occasionally shopped for fashionable innerwear as part of her self-care routine as it made her confident.

Plus she wanted to distract and clear her mind. She first made a fast visit to the lingerie section and hurriedly grabbed a couple of items of undergarments and then she also bought Tanya's favorite chocolates along with Eve's favorite cookies.

She checked her watch while walking out of the building. She had time to have a warm cup of coffee because Tanya's match wasn't scheduled to

start for another hour and a half.

She was about to cross the street when her gaze fell on a medium-sized electronic shop.

She bit her lip wondering if she should purchase a used phone for herself because she couldn't just start using that pricey phone right away. After all, it would create a lot of questions, especially for her sister who she had already lied to.

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