36. The Proposition

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Chantal's P.O.V

I am nervous and shit scared. It seems like life is playing games with me. So I decided to tag along by coming to this beast's den, speaking about his house, I mean mansion, no estate.

I honestly have no idea how somebody can stay in such a huge house without being frightened. No, not me. But it will be a lie if I say the interior is not breathtaking.

I used to believe that large homes like this could only be seen in movies. Oh boy! How did I get it wrong? I imagine myself to be in heaven.

Everything is golden, including the wall murals, art, and the large chandelier hanging over everything. Everything is set up just the way I would have liked it if this were my home.

"What is your name?"

I ask the man I am following. In reality, the eerie atmosphere of this mansion is freaking me out.

"My name is Bill, Miss Perez."

He answered in a polite tone, making me nod.

"Just call me Chantal."

"Sure Chantal, but I don't think Mr. Trevino would like that."

His words make my eyes roll.

"Who cares what he thinks."

Oh shit! I cover my mouth.

Why do I always have to open my smart mouth? Why can't I seem to control it? I am here to ask for his help and now I'm hoping I don't end up getting kicked out.

But what amuses me next is the man's laughter. I gulp, getting confused as we climb a flight of stairs.


"You are quite something, Chantal."

Bill turns to face me all of a sudden and I notice we are standing in a lavish area kind of a living room.

"Please have a seat, Miss Perez. I will be right back."


"Do you want anything to drink?"

"Yeah, just a glass of water would be nice, thank you."

It is obvious that my throat is dry from tension. Bill offers a warm smile that reminds me of my father and nods. I miss Papa, I think, as I see him heading towards another set of stairs, a maid walks out probably from the kitchen with a glass of water.

"Thank you"

"You are welcome, Miss."

I smile back at her while chugging the cold liquid down my throat. I wait and wait but there is no sign of that man. Urghh, where is he?

What is taking him so long to come downstairs and have a chat with me? I am left wondering as I hear footsteps. Thinking it is him I move my face only to see Bill.

"Mr. Trevino will see you now Miss Perez."

Finally, I think before following him upstairs.

I am aware that the beast has intentionally kept me waiting for an additional twenty minutes. We are walking through a long but wide hallway.

I stare at a room passing through it. Bill halts in front of a stylish golden door making me assume that this room is probably his.

"He is waiting for you inside."

"Thank you"

Bill leaves and I take in a deep breath and exhale.

My breath briefly halts as I push open the door and enter the room. Again, much as in the movies, the room is extravagantly luxurious and impressive.

Dirty Proposition | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now