Chapter 1

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What would happen if I jump out the window, get in my car, and get a plane ticket to Dubai without telling anyone?

Your dad might send his big scary Oompa-Loompa's to find you, and then you'll be grounded and you won't see Alè for like a month.

Okay, yeah your righ- WAIT WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?

Dude.. why do you do this every morning. I'm consy, you know the voice in your head?

Oh. Im sorry but hey this isn't my fault. I just woke up you gotta give me a second.



I basically run out of my bed and when I got up I immediately go to my bathroom and go pee and then brush my teeth. I have like horrible morning breath and I'm not dealing with anyone possibly being here and smelling that. Anyway, after that I brush my hair some and then throw it in a low messy ponytail. Once I'm done with all that I grab my phone and go downstairs.

I go straight to the kitchen because I just woke up and I'm hungry. "Morning Momma."

"Well look who finally decided to wake up."

"Mom it's literally only 11am. That's not even late." My mom is an early bird. She wakes up at 8am or sometimes even before that and so anything later than 8 is "sleeping in late" to her.

"Whatever. Anyway after you eat you have to go train with your Dad and then when you get back I need you to go to the store for me and get some groceries."

"Okay. Can Alè and the-" Before I could even finish my sentence, Alè comes walking in the kitchen.


My mom started laughing and said, "Welp yeah sure she can. She's already here anyway. Now hey my love, how are you?"

"I'm amazing. And how are my lovely second family doing on this fine Saturday morning?"

Why in the world is she talking like that? It's weird and creepy and consy don't like it.

Trust me consy I don't like it either, and I will be asking her about it later.

Alè interrupts my daydreaming by plopping herself onto my lap and screaming in my face, "MIA BABY HEY!"

After laughing at her for being so hyper at the ass crack of dawn (okay maybe not that early but still its early.. at least for me) "Hey Alè, what's got you in such a good mood?"

"Nothing really, but I do need to talk to you later."

"Okay, well I gotta go train in like an hour so you can tell me while I get ready."

Alè is my best friend of like a million years, or at least since we were in kindergarten. Her full name is Alèjandra Gutierrez. She's like 5'6 or 5'7 and she has this long thick ass beautiful wavy hair. She LOVES hello kitty and she's gay as fuck.

She comes from a messed up household because her dad isn't a good person but her parents split up and now she lives with her mom and little brother and they are doing so much better than before. Since her dad was a fucked up bitch, my dad kind of stepped up and became like a father figure for her and he helped her mom get a job and a house near us. For Alè's 16th birthday, my mom and Alè's mom went out and got her a car. A grey-ish blue Porsche 911 gt3 to be exact.

Alè knows about my dad's.. business (aka the freaking mafia but you know "business" works too). She trains sometimes with me and her mom may or may not be involved in the business too. Hints why she was able to get Alè a Porsche. But anyway Alè is the bestest friend a person can ask for.

I have some other friends too who I'm really close with and are like my family. Noah Jones is one of them. He's a blonde headed guitar playing Italian white guy (I call him an Italian white guy because he's white and Italian). He is like hyper 24/7 but he can fall asleep anywhere at anytime. He's pretty much like an annoying little brother except he's older than me.

Then there's Noah's best friend, Isaac Gomez (aka my least favorite person ever). He has beautiful kinda curly hair, this model like face, and a lot and I mean A LOT of tattoos. Also he has a freaking motorcycle. He would honestly be hot as fuck if he wasn't a horrible little bitch to everyone especially me. Oh and did I mention his father works with my dad so I kinda like have to deal with him.

Moving on there's Renee Williams (aka Re-Re). Shes so sweet and caring until someone pisses her off or loses her trust. Then she can be a real bitch. But besides that Re-Re kind of reminds me of princess Tiana (and before you say something yes. she is in fact black and I'm not comparing some white girl to Tiana). Anyway, Re-Re loves the color green, her room also has a Tiana vibe to it, and she has this beautiful clear skin.

We had met Re-Re at a party and became friends right then and there. Soon after I found out that her guy best friend , Cj Johnson, is one of my dads trainers and helps out with the supply and stuff.

"supply and stuff" as in killing people-


AND helping with the drugs and shit but I'm just a "little voice" in someone's head so what do I know. Also, don't interrupt me like that ever again or i'll start talking about how fine Isaac is 24/7 just to make you mad.


Yeah that's what I thought. Now go back to talking about your little friends.

Then finally, there's Sarah Smith. We met her through Noah because they both started going to our school at the same time, and when we became friends with Noah we became friends with Sarah too. She's cool, she doesn't always hang out with us because- well I don't really know why honestly. Oh also her and Noah are dating now. Have been for like a month now and they're cute together.

You should probably describe yourself some now.

Your right. Um well My name as you know is Mia Petrova (like Katrina Petrova from the vampire diaries). Anyways, I'm black, Italian, and Mexican. My mom is Italian and Mexican, and my dad is black and Mexican. I know 4 languages english, spanish, Italian, and french. I literally LOVE frank ocean and future. I'm a huge friend and family person too. I'm not exactly apart of my dad's busi- mafia- FINE CONSY HIS MAFIA. But I do train with them just in case anything ever happens. Also I'm 5'7 and I have naturally long curly hair but I straighten it like.. a lot. I'm in boxing and I'm really good at throwing knifes and shooting.

I have a few tattoos, 2 matching ones with Alè and one on my bottom lip that says "no regrets" and a few other ones some in places people can see and some in places that only certain people can see if you know what i mean...

She has one near her-

Yeah no. Y'all can wait and figure that out. Moving on I also love the color pink and I like to read *wink*. I also don't trust easily.. I mean I can't just fuck with everyone considering the whole mafia thing. Oh and I have a bodyguard named spooky. Which is funny considering On My Block is one of my favorite shows and he kinda looks like spooky not gonna lie. But yeah that's enough about me, what about you? How's life and all that fun stuff?

1368 words

How was the first chapter? Be honest for when I go and edit stuff.

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