Chapter 15

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It's been a few days since the dinner at the Genovese's. Turns out Matthew was in fact plotting against us but his wife was the real mastermind. She had plans, so many plans. None of which she was able to actually go through with. Well at least the newer ones. We learned that attacks and threats we've had in the past that we never figured out who they were from, was all planned and organized by Jenny.

Honestly, she would be a fucking icon if she wasn't planning my families funeral.

The day after the dinner, my dad had me and Isaac come in and he told us all about what they found.

It was awkward between me and Isaac. I don't know why but it was.

Maybe because he carried you to your room, took off your shoes and put a blanket over you.

Isaac being nice is weird. And the fact I said 'Thank you' to him is even weirder.

The past few days we've barely talked. Every time the group hangs out he has had a reason to either leave early or a reason not to come. I've been questioning if I said something wrong while I was asleep. I've decided if he doesn't come over with everyone else today, I'm going to talk to him and find out what's wrong.

It might not even have anything to do with me. I shouldn't even care that he hasn't talked to me. I should be happy. But for some reason my brain is not functioning properly and has me wanting to find out what happened.

Everyone is here at my house already. Have been for an hour. Noah says that Isaac is supposed to be coming over once his mom leaves with his aunt to go to finish some things with the funeral. Which is tomorrow.

Re-Re and CJ brought food when they came. CJ's mom is a great cook. She makes food for her restaurant and makes us try to see if she should put it on the menu or not. There's only been one time that we said she shouldn't put it on there. Everything else had been amazing. One time Isaac and Noah got in a whole fight over who got the last of this rice thing she made, I honestly don't even ask what is in the food she makes I just eat it and enjoy it.

We saved some for Isaac in case he ends up coming over.

We've all been watching movies and eating, we went swimming for a while but then after that everyone showered and then we were watching another movie and ended up falling asleep. I woke up first and seen it was now nighttime. It's 9:37 pm and everyone is still asleep. Isaac never showed up, so I'm going to find him and figure out what happened.

I leave the 'pancake room' as Alè and Noah call it, and go to my room. Taking off my shorts and throwing on some sweatpants and a hoodie and then putting on my ugg slippers, then grabbing my purse. Once I get outside I make sure to text my mom and Alè where I'm going so they won't freak out.

I get in my car and think about where Isaac would be. Deciding to go to his house first I pull out the driveway and head there.

The drive there felt like it took forever. Mainly because the whole way there I was trying to figure out if it's a good idea to go. Ultimately, I decided it's a bad idea but I'm still going to go.

When I get there I don't see his car there. Meaning he isn't here. I still go and knock on the door. His mom answers, "Oh, hey Mia, what are you doing here?"

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