Chapter 10

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We're just standing here. Not saying anything. Just looking at each other.

🎶GO ON AND KISS THE GIRL!!!🎶 You know, that one song in the little mermaid.

Please hush. Go back to being quiet.

No. I'm okay. I like getting on your nerves.

What am I supposed to do right now?

Oh. I don't know, maybe try walking away.

I understand that. I know I need to. I want to. But for some reason I can't. It's like I'm stuck here unable to move.

Seems like you're moving right now.

Wait what?

Hold on when did I start walking towards her?!? Why can't I stop? I hate her. She's an annoying little fine ass know it all. She's always in my head, I can't think properly around her, or even when I'm not with her my mind goes to her for some reason. I hate it with every bone in my body.

If you hate her then why are you walking towards her? Why do you always think about her? Why do you always feel okay around her?

I DON'T FUCKING KNOW. That's the damn problem. I don't understand what is wrong with me.

You like her.

No. I don't. I hate her.

Just keep telling yourself that. You'll realize someday.

What am I doing? I have her backed up to the wall, my lips so close to her's that the slightest move would make them touch. I took a deep breath and before I could say something Mia spoke.

"What are you doing Isaac?"

What am I doing? "I don't even know."



I'm so confused. What is he doing? And what the fuck does he mean he doesn't know?

He's so impossibly close to me right now. I can feel his chest rising with every breath he takes. I can feel how tense he is right now. I want him to go away but then again I don't. This. This is why I, no WE keep our distance. I know we both feel things. Things we both don't want to feel, but nonetheless we feel them.

Maybe if we just kiss or something this stupid feeling will go away and we can move on with our lives. So, I move forward just a little.

Isaac closes his eyes and mutters under his breath, "Mia.."

I don't say anything. My hands end up on his neck and I whisper, "Maybe this is what we need to get over this." I know he knows what I mean by that. He leans forward and smashes his lips on mine.

I'm just kidding. You really thought I would actually kiss... THAT?! That's not happening even if we were the last people on earth and in order to live we had to kiss.

What really happened was we stood there even longer, both of our minds running in circles. Both of us trying to figure out what in the fuck is happening.

Isaac looks me dead in the eye and says, "I hate you."

Omg really? I never would've guessed that. (note the sarcasm.)

"We've been known this information. We hate each other and yet we always find ourselves in situations like this."

"Like you said before, maybe we just need to fall to the temptation. Maybe after we both will have moved the fuck on and get over whatever this stupid feeling is."

He's right, but I'm not doing that. I'm not falling for the temptation. So I reply with a simple "No." and push him off of me. "Now, I'm going to my room. See you tomorrow for the dinner."

Then I walk off leaving him standing there.

He may be ready to fall for the stupid temptation but I'm not.

As I was walking away I heard him say, "Me vas a matar."
*You're gonna kill me.*

I mean, he couldn't have expected me to give in that easy. Seeing him suffer is fun. "Ese es el plan."
*That's the plan.*

664 words

Okay so basically, idk if this makes any sense and the plot is probably getting sloppy but just give me a second. I'm trying to get it fixed.

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