Chapter 7

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I gotta learn french or Italian. Actually I'm just going to learn both. Whatever she said sounded hot but I know it was probably an insult from the way she laughed.

The theme of today seems to be questioning myself. Why did I throw her over my shoulder? She wasn't even walking that slow honestly, I just wanted to get on her nerves. It's fun seeing her go from confused to annoyed so fast.

I'm still trying to process that my dad is died. Me and him didn't have a horrible relationship like most people in books do. You know the whole abusive dad thing that almost every guy in mafia books have. My dad was a good dad he just wasn't there a lot, so that explains why I'm not like in tears crying somewhere that my dad died. I wonder how my mom is gonna take it.

"Can you put me down?"


"I can practically hear you smirking. Put me down."

"No." I could feel her frustration. She started scratching at my back to get me to put her down. "I honestly expected you to be scratching at my back for a different reason but this works to I guess."

She immediately stopped what she was doing, which made me laugh a little. "Isaac shut up. That is never going to happen. I would rather be locked in a room full of killer clowns than fuck you."

"Wow and right when I think you were the love of my life you go and hurt my heart like that."

She muttered under her breath, "Je te déteste."

Okay yeah, I'm for sure learning French.



After what felt like years we got to my office. So that big bird bitch had finally put me down.

You know what else is probably big?

Consy shut up before I figure out a way to strangle you.

I looked at big bird and smiled, "Well, this has been fun and I'm so sad to say bye but, BYE!"

He just rolled his eyes at me and walked off. I went into my office and when I was fixing to shut the door I saw spooky point to the office RIGHT. ACROSS. FROM. MINE. He's like a parasite that you can't get rid of. Like couldn't his stupid office be on a different hallway or something?

Shutting my door I looked around the room. I so got to redecorate in here. It's so boring and not me at all. I sit down at the desk and I see a pink laptop sitting there so I'm guessing my dad got that for me. I open the laptop and start shopping for decorations for this boring ass office. I got a lot of pink stuff. Pillows for the couch, a blanket, little desk decorations, and even though this is an office for a mafia I'm getting those album poster things. I got a poster for 'Blonde' by Frank Ocean, 'DS2 (Deluxe)' by Future, and 'Take care (Deluxe)' by Drake.

One thing about me is that my music taste is all over the place. I listen to any and everything. I mean if I like the song/artist then I like it. But anyway, after ordering all of the stuff I need I heard someone knock on my door. "Come in."

When the door opened in walked big bird. Rolling my eyes I mumbled, "What do you want?"

"Well your dad sent someone to my office to tell me that me and you have our very first tasks. I have a meeting tomorrow and then you have a lovely dinner to plan that we have to go together to."

"We have to go together? Like as dates or something?" If I have to go to these dinners with him as my date I will take my happy ass home and give this job to someone else. Well probably not because it's for my dad but in my head I would have quit.

"Yes. We have to go as each other's dates."


"But why? What's this dinner for anyway?"

"It's a mafia that we have had problems with lately and they want to 'make peace' but your dad has a feeling they have some other motives. So, we are going to go as a sort of distraction while the guards and stuff search through their house and find out what they have going on."

"So if they get caught what are we supposed to do?" If them dumb fuckers get caught we are going to die.

"Your dad says we will have to kill them before they kill us. He claims you are great with knives and guns and so am I so we should be good."

"If I die I'm going to kill you."

"Love, you'll be dead. You wouldn't be able to kill me."

This stupid bitch. "I'll find a way."

He let out a small laugh and muttered "I'm sure you will." I almost didn't hear it but I did. After that he looked like he was going to say something but decided not to and turn around and left.

Well, now I have to plan a fucking dinner.

Also you have to find a dress and shoes.


891 words

Is It Really Hate? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora