Chapter 40*

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I feel someone shaking my shoulder and saying, "Mia

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I feel someone shaking my shoulder and saying, "Mia. Wake up. It's 2 in the afternoon and you're taking a nap."

I mumble, "Mom please let me sleep."

"You realize you're supposed to be going to Leo's game toda-"

I sit up so fast, "Shit. What time was that again?"

"In an hour." I look at my mom and she's staring at me with a blank face.

"Okay. I'll get ready."

She nods her head and then walks out my room.

I wasn't even asleep for real. I was like in between sleep and being awake.

I haven't slept much in a couple of days. I don't understand why though.

Maybe because Isaac isn't there? And you've become like dependent on him being there in order for you to fall asleep...

I wouldn't say dependent. But that might be the reason.

Isaac left for a business meeting that my dad couldn't attend so Isaac had to go.

He left two days ago.

And I haven't slept a full night in two days.

But me not being able to sleep has nothing to do with Isaac.

Didn't you just say him not being here could be a rea-

No. I changed my mind.

I can't sleep because... um... I don't know.

But it. has. nothing. to. do. with-

"Hey, amor."


Isaac is back. Standing there smiling at me.

He didn't tell me he was on the way back. I'm gonna kill him for not telling me.

I would've gotten dressed or something.

I'm sure he likes what you're in better than anything else.

I look down at what I'm wearing and quickly cover up myself with a blanket.

"You should've told me you were on the way back. I would've you know," I gesture down my body, "Put on some clothes."

He walks over to me and leans down to where I'm sitting on my bed to whisper in my ear, "This was so much better of a sight. You. Hair messy, in nothing but my hoodie and my boxers. That's an image I'll never forget." He places a small kiss on my jaw and backs away from me.

He starts to grin at how my face is flushing.

"Missed me that much huh?" This cocky ass bitch.

"No actually. I didn't."

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