Chapter 9

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Why is he still here?

Noah, Sarah, and Re-Re left and Alè fell asleep like 30ish minutes ago. I know he knows everyone left or is asleep so why is he still here?

Oh I don't know. Maybe because y'all are watching a MADEA movie and he probably wants to finish watching it. I mean the movies are some of the funniest shit ever bro.

You have a point but still. He needs to leave.

Tell him to then.

HA. Yeah, no.

Well then don't complain about-

"Hey, um the movies over so I'm just gonna go home now."

Oh thank God. "Oh okay," Finally.

He grabs his stuff and puts his shoes on and starts to leave the room. When he opens the door he turns to me and says, "I'll see you tomorrow for the dinner or whatever."

I reply with a simple, "Alright." and then he leaves. Or so I thought. As I was cleaning up the blankets and stuff I hear the door open again.

There was my mom, who might I say looked pissed as hell and a very confused and uncomfortable Isaac. What the fuck? "Mia Ivy Petrova. Je sais très bien que vous ne vous prépariez pas à laisser ce garçon rentrer chez lui si tard!"
*I know very well that you are not preparing to let this boy go home so late!*

Late? What does she mean late? I look at the time and see it's 1:38 in the damn morning. Oh. "Je ne savais pas qu'il était tard, désolée."

"Next time check the time. Isaac, you will be staying here tonight. It is too late for you to drive home. We have clothes and stuff you will need in the guest room down the hall. Okay?"

"Um, okay..."

Why did she have to be up? Now he has to stay here even longer. Can't she like hate him or something?

My mom is so caring. She hates letting any of us go home late by ourselves, and if it's someone who is really close with us and she loves them then she will make them stay here. Otherwise she'll have one of the drivers take them home, and just my luck she loves Isaac.

She thinks he's "such a sweet boy," and that while his dad was alive he would help out with training and things like that for the mafia while also playing hockey and soccer while keeping decent grades just makes him this amazing golden boy.

When in reality he's a bitch to everyone. Always sitting in a room just observing everyone else, never interacting with people, and when he does talk it's always something rude or annoying. But with adults he's as nice and polite as can be. Even though he has this weird aura to him that makes you just know he doesn't like people.

In the past year or so i've known him, i've never seen him date any girls. There's been the occasional quick fucks and some girls he kept around for a very short time but never a 'girlfriend'.

Maybe he's waiting for the right person or something.

Or maybe he's gay. I mean it would explain why he's only ever halfway decent and nice to Noah.

"Well since you're staying here I'll wake Alè up and get her to come to my room so you can sleep in here. Unless you are gonna sleep in the guest room."

"I'll sleep in the guest room. I mean if Alè finds out you woke up her to let me sleep here she just might kill me in my sleep. And I don't know about you but I'm not ready to die yet." He has a point.

"She would kill both of us and it wouldn't be an easy death either."

"If y'all don't get the fuck out of here I'll kill you."

That's all it took for me and Isaac to both run out the room so fucking fast.

Alè scares me and I'm not even real.

Once I shut the door, I looked at Isaac to see he was already looking at me. "So I guess I'm gonna go to my room. You know where the guest room is right?"




Shut up.

714 words

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