Chapter 25*

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For the past 2 weeks since Alè has been back, me and my parents have been working to help her get clean again

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For the past 2 weeks since Alè has been back, me and my parents have been working to help her get clean again. She told us what happened with Victor and that being why she relapsed. She told us after she took the drugs she felt ashamed and embarrassed, so she didn't come back. She said she tried to get clean by herself and it only made things worse.

She's been having mood swings and she's said some hurtful things because of the fact her body is craving drugs. She told me she didn't want Leo to be around her at the moment and he understood why she doesn't. It hurt him a little but he knows it's for the best. He's staying with Noah until Alè gets better.

She just told me and my parents she wants to go to rehab. We agreed that she needed to go.

My dad said he'll look into where and stuff. He has been dealing with making sure no one finds out about all of this, on Alè's request.

My mom has been making sure Alè eats and knows she's loved. My mom has always been like a second mom for Alè. I know she's trying to be strong for Alè, she's worried though.

I've been helping Alè know that everything will get better. Holding her when she cries once everything hits her again, trying to help her forget about the cravings, helping through the nightmares. Just trying to help.

I haven't been going to school. My dad talked to the school and they have me doing home school for a while, because of a 'family emergency.'

Re-Re comes over almost everyday. I'm glad she does because just her presence makes everyone feel comfortable. She has something about her that makes her have this warmth to her.

I haven't talked to Isaac since everyone left my house the morning after Alè came back.

When I'm not helping Alè, my mind goes to the night of the party.

I've tried everything to get that night out of my head. I don't know what to do about it. I'm not sure if I want it to happen again or not.

Everything lately has been so confusing and complicated.

Isaac has texted me though. Making sure I'm okay, asking about Alè, asking about when I'm coming back to school. I replied to a few of his texts, he had asked if he could come over a few days ago. As much as I wanted to say yes, I told him no. I said no because that day had been a hard day for Alè, she had been having nightmares and mood swings really bad.

Isaac still doesn't know what exactly is going on with Alè so I couldn't exactly tell him why I said no. I told him I just needed some time to figure some things out.

He said okay, and hasn't texted me much since. Re-Re tells me when she comes over that he asks about how I'm doing every day though.

Alè's mom hasn't checked on her at all. We told her about when Alè went missing and then we told her when she came back. She told us she doesn't care and that she doesn't want anything to do with Alè.

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