Chapter 19

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Mia hasn't said a word since she sat down

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Mia hasn't said a word since she sat down. She stared at the wall for a while and then laid down with her head on my lap without saying anything. I didn't stop her. I can tell there's something more going on than whoever this Victor guy is. It might have something to do with him but on a deeper level that I'm not understanding.

I understand that he's involved with Alè's dad. I got that much. I know her dad was a bad person, I don't know the details though. Never asked, if they wanted me to know I would. But why is he all of a sudden back. Well not him exactly but this Victor guy. Why did Daniel send him? Did he send him? Where the hell has Daniel been this whole time? As far as I know he has been out of their lives since Alè was 15.

It's been three years since she's last seen him, since she's last heard from him, so why now?

"I want to tell you everything, I wish I could. I know you probably have a million things running through your head. You're probably so confused on this whole situation, but I can't tell you everything. It's not my place. I will tell you that Victor being here isn't a good thing. It's going to make things go to shit really fast. Thank you though. For helping me." I look down at her and see she's already looking at me.

"You don't owe me any type of explanation. I understand, always have. If I needed to know then I would, but I don't need to know." She smiles at me, for the first time since she's walked in this room. It's a small one, but it's a smile nonetheless.

"You're always so understanding, if only you weren't such a bitch all the time." And she's back to her annoying self. She's laughing. Laughing like she's the funniest person ever.

"I hate you. So much." She stops laughing, but she's still smiling and we make eye contact. We stay like that, her head in my lap, staring at each other for the longest time. Neither of us is talking but yet so much is being said and understood between us.

Without realizing I start to lean down towards her. Shes leaning up toward me. Right when our lips our brushing against each other she speaks, "I hate you so much more diablo."
(Translation: devil)

"Not possible diabla."
(Translation: she devil/ devil)

She kisses me, softly not rough like we did the last time we were in the room, on this couch. I kiss her back with the same softness, my hands caressing her cheek. After a few moments she slowly pulls away and lays her head back on my lap.

I reach over and grab the blanket that she brought in here the day after we got our offices saying that having a blanket would make the place more 'homey.' I cover her with the blanket and try to get more comfortable. I can tell she's falling asleep already from the way her breathing is getting slightly slower.

I grab my phone from my pocket and reply to texts and emails from it since my laptop is still on my desk. One of my hands is playing with the ends of her hair while I use the other to text people back.

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