Chapter 24

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I feel something shoving my arm screaming, "ISAAC! WAKE UP!" Realizing it's Mia, I groan and wrap my arms tighter around her nuzzling my head more into her chest

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I feel something shoving my arm screaming, "ISAAC! WAKE UP!" Realizing it's Mia, I groan and wrap my arms tighter around her nuzzling my head more into her chest. "Isaac, I swear if you don't get up I'll push you off this bed. My dad just called they found Alè."

I jump up once what she says processes in my mind. They found Alè. Thank God. No more sad Mia and Leo. "Are you sure?" She's moving around her room throwing on some sweatpants and shoes before looking at me like I'm stupid.

"Yes. Now put your damn shoes on and let's go." She grabs her -my- car keys and walks out her room. I rush and put my shoes on and grab my wallet before following behind her downstairs.

"Hurry the fuck u-"

I cut her off by grabbing my keys from her and walking to the door. "I'm right here. Come on."

We get in my car and I speed off to the office.

I hope Alè isn't hurt or anything. I don't think Mia or Leo could handle that. They have been so worried and stressed about her being missing, her being hurt would only make things worse.

When we get to the office Mia runs out the door before I even fully stop the car. I run after her once I turn the car off, following her into her dad's office where we see Alè. Mia looks like she's seeing a ghost. She's frozen in her spot and her body is tense.

I look at Alè, really look at her. She looks like she's not even here. Like her body is here but her mind is somewhere else.

It's been almost 3 weeks since she went missing. I didn't expect her to look the same way she did when she left but I also didn't expect this.

Alè looks high out of her mind. Eyes bloodshot red and her skin looks pale. She has tears in her eyes once she makes eye contact with Mia, and it seems like everything is hitting her at once.

A sob breaks from her chest which breaks Mia from whatever trance she was in and she rushes over to her and hugs her. Alè keeps repeating "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." And Mia keeps repeating that it's okay and that they will figure something out.

Me and Mr. D are just sitting here watching this happen. Mr. D has tears in his eyes while I'm trying to figure out how all this happened. Alè doesn't do drugs. Right?

CJ and Re-Re run in to the office and see Mia and Alè. Re-Re runs over to them and joins the hug, kissing both their heads while they all cry in each other's arms. Noah runs in next, surprisingly not with Sarah, and he joins the hug too. They let him, Noah has always been Alè's favorite other than Mia and Leo. I know this has taken just as much as a toll on him as it has the rest of us. I can see the tears in his eyes as he takes in the sight of her condition.

Me, CJ, and Mr. D decide to give them all some time alone.

Me and CJ have never been super close with Alè. Yes, we are friends but not close to her like all of them are. I'm really glad she's okay though.

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