Chapter 38

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Three women, all on their periods at the same time, living under the same roof with three guys, is probably every persons worse nightmare

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Three women, all on their periods at the same time, living under the same roof with three guys, is probably every persons worse nightmare.

Leo asked if he could stay at Noah's for the week, claiming we were "too much to deal with."

Alè gets really tired when she's on her period so she's just slept pretty much all week. My mom gets super bitchy and emotional. And I get super fucking horny and bitchy.

He's still basically living at my house so this whole week he's had to deal with me staring at him practically drooling over how fine he is.

One time I was sitting in my bed, reading a oh so lovely and totally appropriate scene in a book and Isaac walked out of my bathroom with only some sweatpants on. His hair wet since he took a shower, his chain around his neck, rings on his hand, and all his tattoos on full display.

All I really processed was Abs. Veins. Tattoos. And wet hair.

The fact I was reading fucking smut did not help my situation.

From that moment on I have been counting down the days until my period ended.

Today is that day.

It's finally over.

I'm still very much horny.

Isaac sitting next to me in grey sweatpants and a black hoodie with his legs spread out in front of him with one arm behind my chair.

His side profile is so... hot.

I've been staring at him for a good five minutes honestly.

He lifts his hips slightly to get comfortable and I watch the movement.

I crossed my legs.

Girl. You're at school. Chill out.

I see him smirk a little before putting one of his hands on my thigh and muttering "Hermosa, you gotta stop that."

"I haven't even done anything." His thumb is rubbing circles on my thigh and it's very distracting to concentrate on the teacher teaching... what class are we even in?

"You've been staring, amor. Focus on Shakespeare, not me." Ohhh we're in english.

He's rubbing the fabric of my skirt I'm wearing between his fingers. Now how the fuck does he expect me to focus when his hand is slightly going more and more up my thigh.

This is the farthest he's touched me in weeks. And why is it happening in class?

Luckily we're in the very back of the class and no one else can see us and the tables cover up the sides and front of the desk so no one can see this happening.

He's definitely messing with you. Just mess with him back.

"But you're much more entertaining to focus on."

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