Chapter 6

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What's wrong with these people? I'm being dragged away from my training to a different training room. Why? I don't know. No one will tell me.

Once I'm in the new room I look around and that's when I see it, or should I say him. There's the devil himself sitting there on one of the benches just staring at me. I roll my eyes and go over to the punching bag. "What was the point of making me leave my training? Now I have to restart my boxing part."

When I was fixing to punch the bag he spoke up and said in a low quiet voice, "Did you know?"

That. That made me stop and look at him. "Wh- what? Know what?" God this is not a time to be choking on my own words.

He slowly started walking towards me while saying, "Did you or did you not know my dad was dead?"

With every step he took forward I took one backward until my back hit the wall behind me and he was right in front of me and our bodies were almost touching. "I just found out. They wanted me to tell you. But I can't do that. I can't tell someone their parent died. I told him I wouldn't even do that if it was Alè. But Isaac I'm sorry about your dad, honestly I really am."

He just stared at me for what felt like forever with no facial expression. Until he started smiling. The psychic fucker was smiling. His hands went to my hips, for the second time today, and then he leaned down to my ear and whispered, "Thank you." And then he kissed neck. HE KISSED MY NECK.

"I- what are you thanking me for?" I'm so utterly confused right now.

"For not being the one to tell me. I wouldn't have wanted it to be you. Because when the realization that he died fully sets in Ima be mad. And I'm gonna probably take my anger out on the person who told me. So I'm glad it wasn't you."

What? "So you don't want to be mad at me?"

"No. Not like that."

"Oh.. okay."

Now this is awkward. Me. Him. Us. Standing here. Me against the wall. Him in front of my with his hands on my hips. I can feel his lips brushing lightly against my neck and yet my mind is screaming to get him off, my body is leaning towards his touch. What is happening right now.



She's intoxicating. My mind is so messed up right now I don't even know what I'm doing or saying. My lips are almost touching her neck and I feel her chest moving up and down against mine. She's tense but then again she's leaning towards me. It's like she's having a battle within herself to fall for the temptation or to hold back. It's taking everything in me not to turn her over and fuck her right now. Maybe then all these weird feelings and thoughts I know we both get around each other will go away.

Maybe that's all we need is the fuck each other one time to get over this sexual tension. I lean my head up so my lips brush her's and I feel her breath against my lips. Her hands go to my chest and she went to say something but then we heard someone knock on the door. She then pushes me away and takes the warmth of her body with her.

Then it hits me. We just almost kissed. That cannot happen again. Ever.



What the fuck did I just do? or almost do? I just almost kissed Isaac. I just almost let him kiss me. What the hell?

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