Chapter 31

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TW: Mentions of guns, blood, rape, eating disorder

TW: Mentions of guns, blood, rape, eating disorder

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Okay, so we're so out numbered right now.

There's bitches coming out from all around the house right now. Isaac grabs my arm pulling me to the nearest hallway where no one is. I go to grab my gun and it's not there. "Fuck." I curse under my breath, trying to think of what to do.

I bet Isaac has another gun.

You're right.

Isaac is shooting people who walk by us, so his back is turned to me. I grab the hem of his shirt and lift it some seeing a gun in the waist band of his pants. I grab the gun, right when I hear footsteps coming from somewhere behind me.

Turning around, I see a dumb fuck that can't even point his damn gun right.

Must be related to that Matthew guy or whatever his name was.

I shoot him right in the head and he falls to the ground. His blood splatters on the halls making me smile.

Psychotic ass bitch.

Don't act like he ain't just have a gun pointed at me.

I turn back around and see three guys running towards where me and Isaac are. I help him kill them all. I poke my head slightly out the hall we are on and see more people running in from outside.

God, how many of them are there?

I feel Isaac wrap his arms around my waist before leaning down to my ear. "Tan pronto como manejamos esto, no voy a perder ni un segundo antes de terminar lo que empezamos antes."

(translation: As soon as we handle this, I'm not going to waste a second before finishing what we started before.)

I feel a chill run down my spine and my breathing hitch. He places a kiss on my neck before pulling away from me. "Don't get hurt, okay?"

I nod my head unable to speak. My mind still processing his words, the way he said them. I shouldn't be thinking about how much I wish all of this wasn't happening right now. If his brother wouldn't have shown up here and stopped us from going upstairs, this aching feeling between my legs would be resolved.

But no. His psycho brother showed up with his dumb little friends and they're all stopping me from getting what I want. So now I'm mad, horny, and in the need to kill all these bitches.

"I'll go right, you go left. Okay?" I look at Isaac and see him nod his head. We go our separate ways.

I'm sneaking around this house going towards the kitchen. Once I walk into the kitchen I see five guys standing there. Like literally just standing in here doing nothing. "Aren't y'all supposed to be doing something?"

They all turn and look at me. One of them starts to lunge for me but I shoot him in the arm making him fall. Before the other four could even do anything I shoot all of them dead, and walk over to the one who's still alive.

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