Chapter 30

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TW: slight mature content, mentions of guns, fighting, etc.

TW: slight mature content, mentions of guns, fighting, etc

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Guess who came home today? Alè.

When my dad called and woke me up saying they were going to get Alè, I forced Isaac to get up and take me to the grocery store.

I had bought a whole bunch of her favorite snacks, drinks, candy. Everything. We called CJ and asked if his mom could make her famous Gumbo. And like the amazing person she is she said yes.

Isaac dropped me off at my house and went to get the food from CJ's house.

When he came back I had set up everything up in the kitchen and went to take a shower. He went home for a while, leaving me here by myself.

I got changed into some dark grey sweatpants and a white baggy off the shoulder sweater with my brown house shoes.

^^^ the fit

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^^^ the fit

I throw my hair up in a claw clip and put on my glasses. I don't have to wear glasses all the time. I'm supposed to wear them at night but I normally forget or just don't want it.

After I finish changing I clean up my room while blasting music. I think I'm just trying to keep myself busy. I'm excited for Alè to come home but I'm also nervous.

Leo has still been at Noahs. I think he likes it better there because it's less memories of Alè there. Because here we have pictures of me, Alè, and Leo all over the place. I mean they are like my siblings. We have a lot of memories in this house, good and bad, so I don't blame Leo for not wanting to be here much. But now that Alè's back he might start to feel better.

Noah said he will bring Leo over after Leo gets out of football practice.

I finish cleaning my room and then I decide to go check that Alès and Leo's room is clean. I walk in there and see that it is in fact clean so I go to the pancake room.

It's clean too. I look all around the house and everything is clean.

I stand there in the middle of the living room trying to think of something to do. As I'm standing there I feel someone staring at me. I turn around and see a shadow out there. I start walking towards the stairs acting as though nothing is wrong.

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