Chapter 5

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It's been an hour. An hour of sitting here in her room. In the same chair. And being reminded of what happened before she left. Her words keep playing in my head, "Pay backs a bitch darling." From the smirk on her lips, to the fact she was sitting on my damn dick while she said that, to the way she looked so fucking proud of herself, and then don't even get me started on the way 'darling' sounded coming from her lips- Isaac what the fuck. Snap out of it. You hate her remember? You shouldn't be thinking those things about her.

Okay that's it. I need something to distract me. I need out this room. Right when I was fixing to get up and leave, my phone started ringing. I looked at it and saw it was a random number, now most people don't answer the phone when it's a random number but I like to mess with the scammers that call me. It's fun.

When I answered the person immediately started talking, "Hey, Isaac is this you? It's Mr. D, Mia's dad."

What- why is Mia's dad calling me? "Yeah, it's me. What's going on?"

"Hey, so I need to talk to you and was wondering if you could come to my office like right now?"

This. is. so. weird. "Um, yeah sure. Is it at the same place my dad's office is?"

"Yes. It is. Just ask for my office and the front desk lady will show you where."

"Alright, I'm on my way now."

Without even saying bye he hung up. Now that was weird as hell. Why does he need to talk to me? How did he get my number? And if it's something about the mafia why didn't my dad just call me?

Shaking myself out of my thoughts I got up and went over to Noah and took his keys since we took his car. I texted him where I was going and that I took his car since he's still asleep and then I left her room. When I walked downstairs I bumped into Mrs. M.

"Oh, Hey Isaac. Where you going?"

"I have to go meet Mr. D at his office for some reason but I'll be back."

"Okay well drive safe sweetheart."

"I will Mrs. M"


I'm standing outside Mr.D's office when the door swings open and some random guy in a suit walks out and nods his head at me and walks away. Okay weird, anyway I walked in the office and Mr.D looked up at me and nodded his head for me to sit in the chair in front of his desk. Okay this is getting even weirder by the second. What in the world is going on.

"So, why am I here?"

I've known Mr. D long enough to tell when he's uncomfortable and right now, he's uncomfortable as hell. "Son, I don't know a easy way to tell you this but, while at a mission yesterday in Italy your dad was shot and killed and he has left you his half of the mafia."

Okay yeah straight to the point.

What the hell. Haven't heard from you in a long time. Weird time to decide to show the fuck back up but hey. Anyway, what does Mr.D mean my dad was shot? and he left me his part of the mafia? What is going on today?

"What the fuck do you mean he was shot and killed?! And what do you mean he left me his half of the mafia? Like I now run it or something?!?"

"Your dad was killed Isaac. Theres no other way to put it. He is no longer here to run the mafia so he left you his half and if you accept the offer you'll sign the papers and become to leader of his half."

How in the world. "I- what- how- yes."


"Yes. I accept. If thats what he wanted then I'll do it." I just accepted to run a damn mafia. What is wrong with me?

"Are you sure?"

No. "Yes."

"Okay. Well here's the papers just sign where all it says and you'll be good to go."

I read everything twice. Every paper there is twice. The small print and everything. And then I signed everything. And then in a matter of like 30ish minutes I became the leader of half a damn mafia. Now what the fuck.

I basically just signed my life away. What is wrong with me?

757 words

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