Chapter 12

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Why did she lie? I mean I get we aren't close and we hate each other but I can tell something is wrong.

She was just asking about my favorite fucking song and she was perfectly fine so what happened?

We stopped talking for like 30 minutes and that whole time I seen her progressively look more and more uncomfortable. Her eyebrows drew together and she looked like she was trying so hard to block something out.

"I'm not lying, I'm fine seriously."

"Mia, we can hate each other but don't lie. Okay?"

I don't see the point in lying. If something is bothering you, just say whatever it is on your mind. There's no point in lying, especially if a person can tell something's wrong and they ask you what is it. Sometimes lying is okay, if it's something that's important or personal. If that's the case then say that and the person you're talking to should have to decency to understand and respect that.

Nodding her head and taking a deep breath she says quietly to the point I almost don't hear it, "I don't like silence."

I turn and look at her with my eyebrows drawn in confusion, "What?" We're not in silence. The music was playing so technically we aren't sitting here in dead silence. Plus since when does she not like silence?

"Silence with people around makes me uncomfortable. It doesn't make sense honestly. I can handle silence like during movies or when I'm driving around by myself but if I'm with other people in the car or in public with someone and we are sitting there not talking it makes me uncomfortable. But then again I love silence so it's weird. Silence is comforting to me in some aspects but then it makes me uncomfortable in others."

I sit and try to process all of that. Now that I think about it every time we've been in the car with everyone and no one is talking she will start a conversation. When we're in public she does the same thing. How didn't I figure out that it was because she didn't like the silence? "Oh. That makes a little bit of sense I guess." I'm not sure what to say to her honestly but from the look on her face and how she visibly relaxed in the seat, my answer was good enough.

"Don't tell anyone that." I only nod and turn back to the window until she speaks again, "Since I told you something embarrassing about me, you tell me something."

She's delusional. "Nope, not happening."

"Oh come on. You basically just forced me to tell you about my weird fear of silence. Tell me a weird fear you have."

"A weird fear? I have a fear but it's kind of a normal fear, not necessarily weird."

Sighing dramatically she rolls her eyes while saying, "Well tell me your fear then."

"Okay. I have a fear of trusting people. Which I guess you can say is weird because I also hate lying and you kind of have to trust people in order to not lie to them."

She does exactly what I did when she told me about her fear. Her eyebrows pull together a little while she processes what I said. "So what I'm hearing is we both have a love hate relationship with the things we fear?" After she says that she drops her head a little and laughing while looking back to the road.

Fighting a smile I just shake my head and mumble "Yeah, I guess so."


The Genovese's house is huge. They surely don't mind making a show of the fact they have money. It's like one of those houses in movies or something. The rich people houses with the vines on the side of the house and the water fountain in the drive way. The bushes freshly and perfectly cut, the grass the perfect fake looking green color, the long driveway, everything you would see in a movie.

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