Chapter 41

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"So y'all together now orrrr???"

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"So y'all together now orrrr???"

I'm sitting here at lunch with Alè, Mali, Noah, Mel, and Isaac. Isaac's sitting next to me with his arm around me, twirling my hair around his finger. Hints why everyone keeps asking if we're together.
(Mali is Malibu and Mel is Amelia btw)

Which we aren't.

Well I don't think we are.

Neither of us have really talked or asked about what is going on between us. All I know is we both feel some type of way towards each other and that we spend almost every second together and to anyone who isn't us you would for sure think we're together.

But nothing's been made official. So he could get with any one of the girls here that want him.

I'm fully aware of that.

Way. too aware of that.

I look around the cafeteria to try and avoid the questions being asked about me and Isaac while he changes the subject to Noah and Mel.

As I look around I see some girls glaring at me and some girls staring at Isaac like they are undressing him with their eyes.

If them bitches don't stop staring I will crave their fucking eyes out.

Y'all aren't together remember?

That doesn't mean I can't want to crave a bitches eyes ou-

"Hey Isaac." I turn my head and see a girl standing there staring right at Isaac.

Isaac looks at her and doesn't say anything. Just sits there and stares at her clearly trying to figure out why she's here.

She eventually talks again, "So, I was wondering if you're going to the pre-season party?"

Well obviously he's going. He's on the team...

Captain at that.

"Well I am on the team so obviously I'm going." He's staring at her like she's stupid.

Well I mean she did just ask a stupid question.

"Are you going with someone or no?"

He looks from her and then looks at me. He mumbles under his breath, "Does she not see you sitting right there?"

The girl taps his shoulder and says, "I'm over here not there." And gives me a dirty look.

Without thinking I grab his chin and smash his lips on mine.

I feel him smirk into the kiss and after a second we pull away and I look over and see the girl is still standing there and say, "Either you're dumb or you're slow but either way take the hint that the answer is no."

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