Chapter 6: Just Allies

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Another schedule forced Ohm and Nanon to work together, put their issues aside, and hide their feelings at the same time. Milo Live event was supposed to reunite 3 famous BL couples and make them compete against each other in some sort of Olympic games. OffGun, TayNew and OhmNanon were the stars who were supposed to lead the show. Even though OhmNanon was the youngest couple there, they were surely as popular as the others, and both actors knew that thousands of people would be watching them very closely. Every single move, gesture, look and expression they made would be overly analyzed by their fans. Nanon and Ohm were used to facing exhausting schedules even when they were having personal issues, but this time Nanon wasn't even sure if he, the one who always put work first, would be able to ignore what was happening between them and just smile for the cameras.

Ohm and Nanon didn't talk much while the producers explained to them the concept of the event and which strategies should be used in order to sell Nestlé's product. Although the couple was mostly monosyllabic, their eyes often met and some sort of mute communication took place between them. P'Kwang noticed the tension between the two, but she was used to seeing the pair having silent wars, so she just dismissed their moody behavior. At least they knew how to be professional, and no matter what disagreements they were having at that present moment, their manager believed that they still could do a good job working as a team.

Behind the scenes, Ohm and Nanon's relationship was going through countless tribulations, and none of the two had succeeded in overcoming them. Nanon never called Ohm like he said he would after they argued at Ohm's apartment. He locked himself in his condo and even told his mom and sister to not disturb him, with the excuse that he was working on a song for his next album and needed complete solitude to keep himself focused on that task. 48 hours had passed and the singer avoided talking to his boyfriend at all costs. Ohm even texted Chimon and told him to convince Nanon to call him, but as soon as Chimon tried to intervene, Nanon started ignoring him too. Ohm went to Nanon's condo, but his lover pretended that he wasn't home and never opened the door for him. To add insult to injury, photos of Ohm taking Love home were all over social media, and fans of both actors and the BBS, as expected, started making all kinds of speculations on the Internet. Some shipped Ohm and love, claiming that the two were secretly dating, others abhorred that possibility, hoping that Ohm would never dare to cheat on Nanon, and there was still a certain kind of 'fans' who argued that both Nanon and Love were being played by the two-timer Ohm Pawat.

The three stars mentioned on the heated comments did what GMMTV always instructed them to do, ignore the haters, dodge the attacks made online, and pretend they were totally unaware of what was going on. The only problem was having to deal with the situation in real life. Love called Nanon to complain that his fans were calling her a bunch of names online. He could hear her crying on the phone, but all he could do was tell her that those rumours would die out soon, and that no matter what happened, she would never lose the support of all of her fans. Ohm avoided contact with her at all costs, meanwhile, the one he wanted to approach the most, was giving him the cold shoulder. In the past, Ohm used to keep his mouth shut whenever Nanon did something to bother him. His tolerance could last a few days, and even weeks, but his patience would grow dimmer by the minute. His anger kept piling up because of insignificant small things, until he exploded at some random moment and they would finally have it out on the spot. The argument would always be painful, but healthy. And afterwards they would be fine again, closer and happier to be around each other. But that used to happen when they were just friends. Ohm didn't have enough self-restraint to put up with his boyfriend's lies and reckless behavior. The truth was that Ohm didn't want to believe that Nanon was messing with drugs, but he didn't think Pakin had any reason to lie to him either. He had noticed that Nanon was having issues with Mark since the day the former player joked about filming them at the hospital, but he was not sure if his boyfriend's animosity towards Mark simply originated from the fear of having the real Ohmnanon relationship exposed to the public. Nanon was hiding something from him, and that very thought made his blood boil. Worry, dread and the feeling of being left in the dark vexed Ohm. His head was a mess, and all he wanted to do was to clarify things with his lover, so they could be okay again. He couldn't give two shits about that Milo event, he needed to know what the heck was wrong with his boyfriend.

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