Chapter 5 | Subtle Manipulations and Fresh Starts

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
First on his list were Twittlefit and Tattling's robes for all occasions. The small, charming shop was filled with an array of wizarding robes, capes, and accessories. The vibrant colours and intricate designs of the fabrics captured Draco's attention as he browsed through the selection. The owner herself measured him for his new Slytherin robes, ensuring a perfect fit, after all, he had grown a few inches over the summer.

With his robes secured, Draco made his way to Flourish and Blotts for his school books. The scent of parchment and ink wafted through the air as he perused the shelves, gathering the required textbooks for his sixth year. He, like any sensible person, also bought additional books that piqued his interest. Most of the lot of extra books were on topics like Ancient Runes, Healing and Wandlore, some even written in Latin and French.

Finally, Draco ventured into the apothecary, Slug & Jiggers Apothecary, to gather the necessary potions ingredients. The scent of magical herbs filled the air as he carefully selected each item on his list. The vials and jars clinked softly as they were placed into a sturdy leather bag.
He also picked some heat pads, hot water bottles and ice packs for his heats. He was almost empty of scent repressors and heat reliever pills so those were on his shopping list as well. Curiously, he realized that he hadn't caught a whiff of any scent of the dark lord. Did he use scent repressors as well? 

After he had bought everything that was required, Draco strolled through the dimly lit streets of Knockturn Alley. A few twists and turns later, Draco stood in front of Borgin and Burkes, its air heavy with the scent of ancient artefacts and dark magic. The dusty shelves lined with peculiar items seemed to close in around him as he approached Borgin, who was attending to the shop.

"Mr. Malfoy, what can I do for you today?" Borgin inquired with a practised politeness.

Draco's Malfoy mask firmly in place, he responded with a congenial smile, "I would like you to follow me, Borgin. I have a particular interest in something upstairs."

Borgin, ever the opportunist, immediately complied, trailing Draco as they ascended to the upper floor. They stopped in front of the imposing vanishing cabinet, its dark aura casting a shadow over the room.

"I want to buy this," Draco declared, his eyes locked onto the cabinet.

Borgin, perplexed, questioned, "But sir, this is one of the items in my shop that has been around for ages. It is broken. Why waste money on this?"

Ignoring the skepticism, Draco pressed, "Just tell me how much it is."

"400 galleons, but I can make it 300 for you. After all, Mr Malfoy is a frequent customer," Borgin suggested, attempting to sweeten the deal.

Draco, without hesitation, handed over 400 galleons. "Here's 400, but I want you to keep it here only. Don't sell it to anyone else. Just keep it in here. Make sure nothing happens to it."

"As you wish, sir," Borgin acquiesced, pocketing the galleons with a sly grin, unaware of the ominous purpose that lay behind Draco's seemingly mundane transaction.

As the day waned, Draco exited Diagon Alley, his arms laden with bags filled with new supplies. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the magical thoroughfare. Draco, apparated back to the Malfoy Manor, all of the things he needed in his hands.

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