Chapter 14 | Green Eyes and Lingering Doubts

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
With a stern nod to Draco, Tom Riddle conveyed that he would deal with Bellatrix personally. Draco acknowledged the unspoken command, and as the Dark Lord set off after Bellatrix, Draco lingered behind.

Draco stepped inside the cell to see Harry James Potter sprawled unconscious on the floor. He knelt down next to the boy in order to examine him. Diagnostic charms showed remnants of curses evident on his battered form - Blood-Boiling Curse and Cruciatus, accompanied by symptoms of fever. Draco swiftly performed healing and cooling charms, summoning healing potions and a Pepper-Up Potion.

After about half an hour of diligent spellwork, Draco cautiously woke Harry with an 'Enervate'. The young wizard found himself in the cell, with Draco sitting nearby. Startled, Harry scooted away, fear etched across his features. Draco attempted to approach, but Harry shifted even further, his back pressed against the cold stone wall. Seeing Harry's apprehension, Draco tossed his wand to a distant corner, a gesture of peace.

"I just want you to drink these potions. They will heal you," Draco assured, his tone gentle. However, Harry remained wary. After all, the blonde had killed Dumbledore though that hardly mattered to Draco but Malfoy didn't know that yet. Harry was still a threat in Draco's eyes. Bellatrix - Draco's aunt - had only just tortured him as well. Draco didn't seem the type but prevention is better than cure, isn't it?

"I just want to make sure that you are okay. These are just some Pepper-Up and healing potions. I'll take a sip if you don't believe me," Draco suggested, and Harry hesitantly nodded. Draco demonstrated by drinking from each vial, earning a bit more trust from Harry. Slowly inching closer, Draco handed the potions to Harry, who drank them cautiously, followed by a glass of water that Draco had taken a sip out of as well.

After a brief wait, Draco asked, "Can you stand up?"

"I think so," Harry replied, attempting to rise but faltering and falling back to his knees. The cell, surrounded by shadows, held an atmosphere of uncertainty and vulnerability as the two young wizards navigated the aftermath of a troubling encounter.

Draco extended a supportive hand, offering assistance to Harry as he struggled to stand. With a cautious grip on Draco's arm, Harry managed to pull himself up. The dim light in the cell flickered, casting dancing shadows on the worn stone walls.

"Take it slow," Draco advised, keeping a watchful eye on Harry's uncertain movements. As Harry steadied himself, Draco wrapped his arm around Harry's waist and practically carried him to his room.

Harry's jaw dropped as he stepped inside the blonde's room. It was beautiful. Harry didn't even realize that Draco had sat him down on the bed, wrapped him up in a fluffy blanket and placed some lemonade in his hands. Harry snapped back to reality upon hearing Draco say something. "Drink it. It will help cool you down," he said.

Harry looked at the cup in his hands suspiciously causing Draco to sigh and speak up once again. "If I wanted to poison you, you'd already be dead." Realizing that Draco had a point, Harry drank the lemonade, feeling a little bit better.

Harry, still slightly unsteady, looked up at Draco with a mix of confusion and wariness. "Why are you helping me?"

Draco hesitated for a moment, considering his words. "Bellatrix is an idiot, Potter. The Dark Lord gave strict orders that you weren't meant to be harmed."

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