Chapter 12 | The Confession

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
"I thought you said that you would do anything for me,"
said the Dark Lord, a little more harshly than he should have.

"I am sorry. It is just that well father - he has hated me since I was born because he knew. He knew that I was going to present as a Submissive Veela when I turned 17 because his mother was one. I wasn't the strong son he wished to have. One day, as we often did, he took me with him to a meeting. Mother was in Paris at the time so he couldn't possibly leave me with her. He wished to buy the house we apparated to. It was owned by 2 brothers - I don't even remember their names now. I was 7 years old then. They led us inside and offered us tea and biscuits. One of them offered my father a tour of the house. My father agreed and left me alone with the other one. He promised to give me candies but then he....That man....he pushed me to the wall and started kissing my neck. He covered my mouth with his hand so that I couldn't scream. I was so scared. I couldn't breathe. I bit his hand and shouted as loud as I could. My father apparated me home before anything else could happen. I cried for days afterwards. That gave my father the idea. Whenever I did something extremely that wasn't up to his standards.. or even when a crucio wouldn't suffice - he would call over his friends and let them.....let them touch me. I tried to scream as much as I could but they used a Silencio and tied me to the table." mumbled Draco, crying freely now. His tears broke the Dark Lord's heart. Tom was about to tell Draco to stop talking if he didn't wish to talk about it but Draco took in a deep breath, choking on his tears a bit before continuing.

"Some of them were ministry officials. After all, who wouldn't jump at a chance to get a taste of a submissive veela? They are quite rare. The Ministry was of no help. They straight up refused to even register a case against him. Severus Snape, my godfather, was drunk one night at our house and he too did....and my father didn't stop him. I couldn't do anything. he'd purposely give me extra credit or detentions so he could.....

"I would love to accept your offer but I can't. The Death Eaters know. They will talk if you court me. Surely, other people are worth it. I wouldn't do that to you. You are the one person in my life who makes me feel somewhat safe and happy. Thank you so much for getting my father off my back. I am sorry. No one takes up a defiled submissive anyway."

The Dark Lord was furious, seething with a rage that consumed him like a burning fire. Never before in his existence had he experienced such intense anger. As Draco spoke, Tom Riddle felt his insides twist and churn, a maelstrom of emotions raging within him. The very idea that someone could defile and torment Draco, his mate, fueled an indescribable fury.

He had meticulously planned Lucius Abraxas Malfoy's demise in his mind at least 40 times, each scenario more gruesome than the last. 

As Draco stiffened in his presence, Tom Riddle took a deep breath, attempting to rein in the storm of emotions that threatened to consume him. With a swift yet surprisingly gentle motion, he pulled the blonde up, finding himself practically – undoubtedly – holding Draco in his lap. At that moment, neither of them realized the physical closeness; their attention was consumed by the storm of emotions swirling around them.

"I am not angry at you," Tom Riddle finally spoke, his voice a low, controlled murmur that betrayed the turmoil beneath the surface. The anger he felt was not directed at Draco, but at the man who had allowed such cruelty to befall the one person who was off limits. "but your father, the audacity he has..." Tom Riddle stopped, his voice dripping with restrained anger. Draco, still trembling, looked up at the dark lord, his silver eyes brimming with tears of fear and gratitude. The blonde opened his mouth to speak something but was cut off -

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