Chapter 26 | It was none of your business, Dumblebitch

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
Draco curled up beside Tom and found comfort in the rhythmic rise and fall of his mate's chest. The events of the day had been tumultuous, and the concerns for Harry's well-being lingered in Draco's thoughts.

The next day unfolded with the sun casting a gentle glow through the curtains, signalling the arrival of noon. Harry stirred in his sleep, and as he opened his eyes, Draco was there, a steady presence by his side.

"Are you hungry?" Draco inquired, concern etched in his eyes.

In response, Harry shook his head, a silent admission of his current state. Draco sighed empathetically, recognizing the need for a moment of respite. He handed Harry a glass of water, a simple gesture that conveyed a world of comfort. Harry accepted it gratefully, the cool liquid soothing his parched throat, a small but essential act of kindness.

"What now?" Harry's voice held a mixture of curiosity and frustration. "I can't ever go out with cat ears and a tail," he explained, the weight of his peculiar situation evident in his tone.

Draco's smile, tender and reassuring, offered a solution. "Just will them gone."

Taking Draco's advice to heart, Harry focused his thoughts, channelling the magic within him. With a subtle flourish of power, the cat ears and tail vanished, leaving Harry with a sense of relief. It was a newfound control over his appearance, a skill that would prove invaluable in navigating the outside world.

"I must remind you," Draco interjected, his tone turning serious, "if you're feeling any intense emotions, they will pop out. And once you're feeling better, we have to go to Gringotts."

"I am feeling okay. Can we go now?" Harry's request carried a hint of impatience, a desire to move forward from the recent challenges.

Draco chuckled at Harry's eagerness. "Nope, you need rest."

"But I just woke up!" Harry protested, his playful pout contrasting with the weight of recent days.

Draco, giving in to Harry's persistence, agreed to their upcoming expedition to Gringotts.

Together, Draco, Harry under glamours, and the Dark Lord apparated to Gringotts, navigating the intricate halls of the wizarding bank. The atmosphere was charged with a blend of curiosity and anticipation as they sought out Griphook, the goblin known for his expertise in magical matters. Griphook arrived promptly, his gaze sharp and assessing. Sensing the need for privacy, Draco requested a more secluded setting.

In a closed room, Harry dropped his glamour, unveiling his natural appearance. The room held a charged energy, a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. Griphook produced a sheet of parchment with intricate runes and a silver knife that gleamed with magical craftsmanship. His instructions were precise as he guided Harry through the process—seven drops of blood onto the parchment.

As Harry dropped the first drop of blood onto the parchment, Griphook observed with keen goblin eyes, scrutinizing the process. The silver knife gleamed in the dimly lit room.

The second drop fell, a small crimson pool forming on the pristine surface. Draco stood by, his gaze alternating between Griphook and Harry. 

The third drop followed, and the air seemed to hum with an unspoken tension. The ink on the parchment shimmered faintly, reacting to the magical essence within Harry's blood.

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