Chapter 45 | I Promised, Didn't I?

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When The Devil Falls -
And as they lingered over the remains of their meal, sipping fine wine and sharing stolen kisses, Draco knew that he was exactly where he belonged—this was his home and that he would do anything to make sure his home was safe and okay. Draco rolled his eyes at whosoever believed the Dark Lord couldn't love. If this wasn't love, then Draco wasn't blonde.


The weight of their responsibilities hung heavy in the air as Marvolo and Draco found themselves alone in the dimly lit study of Slytherin Manor. The flickering candlelight cast shadows across the room, adding to the sombre atmosphere that seemed to pervade every corner.

Draco paced restlessly, his mind whirling with thoughts of the ongoing war and the daunting task that lay ahead. He longed for a moment of respite, a chance to escape the turmoil that consumed their lives, but he knew that such luxuries were beyond reach.

Marvolo watched him with a heavy heart, his own thoughts weighed down by the burden of leadership and the sacrifices that had to be made. He longed to offer Draco the comfort and stability he deserved, but he knew that their duty to the wizarding world came first.

Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, Draco turned to Marvolo, his eyes filled with a mixture of frustration and resignation. "I can't not be worried, Mon Mari. These people, they already hate the Ministry for ostracizing them. On top of that, you are adamant about going alone," he said, his voice tinged with desperation. "At least let me come along with you if you do not trust anyone else. You do trust me right?."

Marvolo nodded solemnly, his expression reflecting the turmoil that raged within him. "I know you are worried, love but I promise nothing is going to happen to me," he replied, his voice heavy with regret. "But I can't afford to put you in danger. It is not a matter of trust, it is a matter of safety. Do not expect me to allow you to come with me."

Draco's shoulders sagged with defeat, his heart heavy with the weight of their shared burden. "I took vows, Marvolo. You can not think that I would let you go alone. This is not Dumbledore or the Order. Werewolves and Vampires are not a piece of cake," he whispered, his voice barely audible above the crackling of the flames. 

Marvolo stepped forward, his eyes blazing with determination as he reached out to grasp Draco's trembling hands in his own. "Don't you think I know, Draco? I took vows to protect you too!" he said, his voice fierce with conviction. "We already have Werewolves and Giants on our side. Veelas will be easy to convince because of you. You have already helped me so much, Draco. The Ministry is ours, The Order is in hiding and will not do anything to disturb our plans for a while. This is the perfect time to win them over. My dream was of a wizarding world that was perfect. We can not have that without everyone's happiness. I must try and convince them. What I do if they agree or not is something we can think of later."

Draco searched Marvolo's eyes, seeing the unwavering resolve that lay within them, and felt a glimmer of hope stir within his heart. "I love you, Tom," he said softly. 

Marvolo pulled Draco into his arms, holding him close as they stood together in the fading light of the study. "I love you too," he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to Draco's forehead. "I promise you, Draco. We will find a way to bring peace to our world, and then we will have all the time in the world to be together. After all of them agree, The Wizarding World will truly be at its prime. Our world will change for the better."

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