Chapter 19 | Tu M'as Et Je Ne Vais Nulle Part, Ma Chérie

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
Breaking the kiss, Tom reached down and took Draco's hands in his own and said two words that surprised Draco "Thank You". He then kissed his Submissive on the forehead, simply brushing his thin lips against Draco's skin. It was the most intimate thing Draco could imagine and it was very unexpected.

After this heartfelt moment, Tom extended an invitation to Draco, asking him out on a date. Surprised at the offer, Draco's response was affirmative. With a reservation in an hour and a half, he instructed Draco to prepare.

Curious, Draco questioned, "You planned this?"

Tom confidently replied, "Yes, of course."

Draco then asked, "What if I had said no?"

Tom countered with a question of his own, "Would you have said no?"

The inquiry left Draco momentarily speechless as he returned to his room, a smile playing on his lips and a blush colouring his cheeks.

An hour later, Draco emerged, impeccably dressed. Tom was taken aback by Draco's stunning appearance, and the blonde, in turn, blushed upon seeing the Dark Lord dressed to impress. Tom took Draco's hand in his, and with a shared apparition, they arrived at a breathtaking location for their date.

 Tom took Draco's hand in his, and with a shared apparition, they arrived at a breathtaking location for their date

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Tom and Draco materialized in a secluded corner of a magical garden illuminated by floating orbs, casting a soft, ethereal glow. The air carried the fragrance of enchanting flowers; Draco had never seen such a place before.

They strolled along cobblestone paths adorned with luminescent flora, the gentle rustle of leaves accompanying their conversation. Tom found himself captivated by Draco's animated tales of his childhood and Hogwarts. Draco's laughter echoed under the celestial canopy, blending seamlessly with the garden's aura.

As they reached a clearing, a small table materialized, draped in black silk and adorned with delicate silverware. The table was set with a delectable array of dishes.

Throughout the meal, the conversation flowed effortlessly between them. Tom, though known for his stoicism, revealed glimpses of vulnerability, sharing stories of his early years and the challenges he faced. Draco listened intently, finding himself drawn to the complexity and depth of the Dark Lord's character. Soft music played, synchronized with the rhythm of their conversation. Illuminated butterflies flitted around, leaving trails of sparkling dust.

After their delightful dinner, Draco was struck by an idea. He gracefully seated himself on the riverbank, removing his shoes and socks, folding up his pants, and dipping his legs into the gently flowing water. Tom observed him with a raised eyebrow, puzzled by the unexpected move.

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