Chapter 39 | Gnawing Sadness and Duties Call

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
Theo had gotten Harry a self-refilling supply of Chocolate frogs that Harry loved to death and a beautiful and intricately carved cloak. Harry had, in return, gifted Theo a collection of enchanted snow globes, each depicting a different magical landscape from around the world, to help him choose where he wanted to go once NEWTs ended.

As the final day of the Yule holidays approached, Draco found himself reluctantly packing his trunk for his return to Hogwarts. Each fold of his robes and placement of his books felt like a weight upon his heart, knowing that he would soon be separated from Marvolo once again.

But Marvolo, realizing what was going on, attempted to lift his spirits with tender kisses and whispered words of reassurance, punctuating each moment of packing with affectionate gestures that had gotten the blonde to giggle a few times.

On the morning of his departure, Draco donned the choker that Marvolo had gifted him, the cool metal against his skin a comforting reminder of their bond. Marvolo's eyes gleamed with appreciation as he admired Draco's appearance, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

"You look stunning. I can not believe that I am jealous of a choker! My hands so desperately want to be where that necklace is right now," Marvolo murmured, his voice low and husky, sending a shiver down Draco's spine and an extremely bright blush to his cheeks.

Their farewell was filled with heated kisses and whispered promises, a slight display of their love for each other. With a heavy heart, Draco finally apparated to the train station, the weight of unwanted stares from the wizarding world bearing down on him as he made his way to the Hogwarts Express.

The sight of Draco Lucius Malfoy, adorned with a courting choker meant for submissives, sent shockwaves through the wizarding community. Whispers and murmurs followed him as he navigated through the crowds, his every move scrutinized and analyzed by curious onlookers. The Wizarding world had expected Heir Malfoy to be dominant. Even if the boy was not, it was extremely rare for there to have been no rumours about the Heir of such a popular and respected family and his alliance. No one knew of his consort. It was quite strange.

But amidst the unwanted attention, Draco held his head high, his heart filled with the reassurance that he belonged to Marvolo, and no amount of judgment or scrutiny could diminish the love they shared. As the train pulled away from the station, Draco cast one last glance back, longing for the day when he could return to the arms of his mate.

 As the train pulled away from the station, Draco cast one last glance back, longing for the day when he could return to the arms of his mate

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And of course, Draco had made the headlines the following day in the newspaper as well. Harry felt a mixture of shock as he observed the reactions of the wizarding community to the scandalous articles printed in the Daily Prophet about him and Draco but the brunette was not really surprised. Despite the sensationalism of the headlines, he wasn't entirely surprised by the lack of response from the pureblood families.

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